People Who Make These 5 Selfie Faces Age Faster
Want to look younger? Stop making these faces.

Narcissists spend a fair amount of time worrying solely about themselves, and that goes double when it comes to how they look.
Nothing scares narcissists quite like getting older, and people being aware of it. Aging is natural, and a thing guaranteed to happen to anyone.
But you don't have to be self-obsessed to be concerned about aging either. Just asked my crippling low self-esteem AND penchant for obsessively applying under-eye cream whilst bellowing "I WILL LIVE FOREVER."
Whether you like it or not, you're going to get older. That means lumps, bumps, wrinkles, and age spots.
Plus side, it also means people will give you seats on the subway and you will magically come into possession of a veritable bounty of Werther's original candies.
But one thing you do all the time could be pushing you to Werther's city faster than you'd like: Taking selfies.
That's right, your duck pout? It's aging you. Stop those selfies!
It doesn't stop there either, even your laptop is determined to have the dude who bags your groceries calling you ma'am.
You can't stop time, but you can stop yourself from making these faces.
Here are 4 selfie faces people make that age them faster than everyone else:
1. Raised brow frown
This one causes brow wrinkles and gives you a permanently puzzled expression.
But wouldn't you rather look puzzled than like a piece of Reynolds' Wax Paper?
2. Selfie pout (Duck face)
You're just trying to look hawt AF for the pic you plan on sending to that cute guy you met while you were on highway cleanup detail. But little did you know you're also giving yourself MOUTH AND LIP WRINKLES.
3. Double chin sulk
This "cute" pouting expression is best left to the provenance of children.
As we age, this pout takes on a "severely dimpled and clenched buttock" sheen.
4. Laptop grimace
I bet you are doing this one right now. I know I certainly am. Our laptops, or as I call my, life companions, are plotting to make us haggard and grizzled before our time.
Experts say this one causes a puckered frown, so be aware. I like to combat this default expression by frequently pausing to look up strange Japanese Instagram accounts dedicated to attractive well-dressed cats.
5. Bunny nosin' it
You thought you were just cutely wrinkling your nose when you chatted on the phone with a good friend. Well JOKE IS ON YOU, you were actually causing permanent lines across your nose.
No one likes an old bunny.
Unless they live in a forest and it is olden times and they are eating it for a stew.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime.