5 Natural Instincts You Should Never Ignore, No Matter What

Don't second guess yourself.

woman worrying DimaBerlin / Shutterstock

Have you ever been in a situation when you're not really sure how to act, but there's a little voice back in the corner of your mind that's whispering thoughts into your ear?

That's your instinct, defined by Wikipedia as "the inherent inclination of a living organism towards a particular complex behavior."

Sometimes, we tend to ignore that little voice, opting to do the opposite of what it tells us. But usually, it's a good idea to follow your instincts.


RELATED: 4 Ways To Sharpen Your Intuition So You Can Trust Yourself To Make Decisions

Following these five instincts, especially, is important. Why? Because it can actually change your life dramatically. 

5 Natural Instincts You Should Never Ignore, No Matter What

1. "This seems dangerous..."

Our gut often has a tendency to let us know when something isn't right, and it's a wise choice to listen to it. Your intuition calls upon every life lesson you've ever had in this life and helps you make an informed decision.


If something doesn't seem safe or if you feel like it could become dangerous, don't do it.

2. "This feels right!"

You'll experience this a lot in your life. Some examples of when you may get this feeling are on a date, when buying a car, when buying a house, or when working at a new job.

There's no doubt about it. If it feels right, stick with it. Listen to your gut.

3. "I'm a natural at this!"

I remember the first time I ever picked up a paintbrush. I was 10 and I was in an art class. Immediately, my teacher and I had both recognized that I had a knack for it. I was a born artist! A real natural.


One of my greatest regrets in life is not going to art school. It's a gut instinct that I didn't follow. I suggest that you learn from my mistake.

RELATED: 6 Powerful Ways To Trust Your Instincts (They Make A Big Difference)

4. "I need to stop and help this person..."

There might be a time when you see a person in need and, even though it won't do anything to serve you, you just know that they need help.

Maybe it's someone who's struggling with homework or maybe it's someone who just got into a car accident. Don't hesitate to stop and help if your gut is telling you to do so.

5. "I don't feel right."

If you're feeling drained, depressed, tired, and sickly, don't ignore it. Your body has its own ways of telling you when you're not well and when you really need to visit a doctor.


If your instincts say go to the doctor, then you'd better go.

RELATED: 3 Ways To Become A More Intuitive Person (& Why It'll Make Your Life Happier)

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