Mother-In-Law Cut A Woman's Hair In Her Sleep After Thinking She Was Cheating On Her Son
"She broke into our house in the middle of the night with scissors and went full Edward Scissorhands on my hair."

A woman's mother-in-law spotted her having lunch with a co-worker and assumed that she was cheating on her husband. Instead of confronting the woman, her mother-in-law took matters into her own hands — literally.
Her mother-in-law cut her hair in her sleep after thinking she was cheating on her son.
"Last night, I woke up and realized someone had butchered my hair. One side is a jagged pixie cut, and the other side hangs awkwardly past my shoulder," the woman wrote in a Reddit post. "At first, I thought I was losing my mind — maybe I sleepwalked or something — but no."
The woman immediately confronted her husband, Tim, but he adamantly denied having anything to do with her hair being cut. He did have a theory, however.
"Apparently, my [mother-in-law Diane] is convinced I’ve been cheating on Tim," the Redditor wrote. "Why? Because last week, she saw me having lunch with a coworker."
"For the record, the coworker (Kyle) is gay and we were literally talking about work," she clarified. "But Diane decided I must be having an affair and, instead of, you know, talking to me or Tim, she broke into our house in the middle of the night with scissors and went full Edward Scissorhands on my hair."
The woman confronted her mother-in-law the very next morning and, despite breaking into their house to enact revenge, she showed zero remorse.
"Tim is horrified and apologetic, but I’m struggling here," she admitted. "This woman violated my personal space, destroyed my hair, and acted like she was in the right. I want to go no contact with her, but Tim is stuck between me and his mom, and I feel like this is going to be a huge blowup in our marriage."
The woman later discovered that her husband helped his mother and lied about it.
Despite claiming to have no prior knowledge about his mother's actions, her husband started acting "weird." The woman assumed he was feeling guilty about standing up to his mom, but he soon began acting defensive and avoiding eye contact.
"I couldn’t take it anymore, so I sat him down and told him he needed to be 100% honest with me about everything," she wrote. "That’s when he dropped the bombshell."
Her husband was involved in his mother's unconsented haircut.
"I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. He said he truly thought I was cheating on him with my coworker because Diane had convinced him that there was 'too much evidence to ignore,'" she said. "When she suggested cutting my hair as some kind of weird 'punishment,' he didn’t stop her. He let her into our house that night while I was sleeping."
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It was one thing when the woman thought the haircut was her mother-in-law's plan, but to learn that her husband was involved was truly devastating.
"I honestly don’t know how to process this," she added. "This wasn’t just Diane acting like a lunatic — this was both of them, and my own husband betrayed me in one of the most humiliating ways possible."
In an update, the woman shared that she contacted a divorce lawyer and will be pressing charges.
While the divorce process seemed daunting, the woman felt that she didn't have another option.
"I know this is the best decision for me," she wrote. "I can’t see a future where I could ever trust my husband again after what he allowed to happen."
As for the police report, the Redditor filed assault charges against her soon-to-be ex-mother-in-law.
"I’ve documented everything — photos of my hair, text messages, and the timeline of events," she added. "I refuse to let her get away with what she did. What she did wasn’t just humiliating; it was an act of violence, and she needs to be held accountable for it."
Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.