Psychology Says If You Can Master These 4 Mindsets, You'll Know True Mental Freedom
Forget goals and resolutions — these mindsets are your ticket to freedom.

No matter who you are, or what your situation is, let’s commit to this year being better than ever. Let’s not settle for unhappy and mediocre. How?
Keep it simple. Forget habits, resolutions, and goals for now — such a grounding begins with how we see ourselves. What we need is a simple foundation on which to construct the kind of life that is best for us.
We need to see ourselves as determined, healthy, happy people. If we view ourselves as mince-pie-eating, depressed couch potatoes, this will not set us up well for a renewed start.
To change the way we see ourselves, we need to adopt a few principal positive modes of thinking. These four mindsets will give you true mental freedom, and when adopted, will energize you and lead to success in other areas. You can use them as mantras repeated throughout the day.
If you can master these four mindsets, you'll know true mental freedom:
1. I am a physical athlete
Movement must fill my days. I will struggle to be motivated to be active and creative in work and mind if I’m not active in my body. Multiple times a day, every day.
Rest is vital, and if you are active, you will know when to rest, because you will be genuinely tired. Robust, regular exercise leads to clear thinking, feeling good, breathing more deeply, lowered anxiety, and the passion for which you are looking. If you lack movement in your life, you can’t be surprised if you lack motivation.
View yourself as an athlete, even if you work in a library. Physical training is not just for sprinters and boxers. Sweaty daily exercise and regular movement have improved my life more than anything else.
2. My body is a well-oiled machine
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I eat real, whole food until I am full. More protein and complex carbs. I avoid sugar and refined carbs, but a few treats are fine.
I know that caffeine makes me anxious, so I reduce it and cycle off it often. Smoking is out, and toxins need sweating out regularly.
I no longer pay no heed to what others say you should eat and drink.
I understand how vital it is to have explosive energy each day, and I fill my body with the nutrients needed — those that make me feel alive.
If I need to stop drinking alcohol to feel better, I will, because my energy is everything.
Being food conscious, mainly through mindful eating practices, can contribute to feeling more energized by promoting healthier food choices, regulating blood sugar levels, and reducing stress associated with overeating.
This can improve overall mental and physical well-being. 2017 research concluded that by paying attention to your body's hunger cues and choosing nutrient-dense foods, you can experience a more sustained energy level throughout the day.
3. I am dedicated to improving my value, not my personality
“Try not to be a man of success. Rather, be a man of value.” —Einstein
I’m always at my lowest when I take myself too seriously; when I’m doing everything to maintain a flawless personality; when I’m trying to look good in front of others. All this communicates is subordination and weakness, and it makes me feel awful.
There is no such thing as personality. Being shy, extroverted, excited, and depressed are only fleeting states. They, therefore, cannot be personalities. You are you. Multi-layered.
When I believe in my personality, I try to protect it, and I cannot take risks. I am nervous. I care about what others might think of me.
The only thing you need to focus on is value and continually upgrading it. Strive towards building your value in all areas: your skills; your health; your products; your creations; your investments; and your ability to lift others up. Focus on being useful and leaving a legacy. Legacy doesn’t require that you are nice to everyone, though everyone deserves a basic level of respect.
It means that you brought value to those who benefit the most from what you do: your tribe; and our family. When we drop the delusion of personality, we start focusing on what’s important — becoming great and bringing others up with us who care to join.
Martyrdom, indiscriminate compassion, and the pursuit of impressing others will only spread you thin and hollow you out. Constant work on improving the value you hold for yourself and those that matter to you is what the world needs. The sensation of becoming useful regardless of how your ‘personality’ appears to others will energize you.
4. I am an optimistic warrior
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This mindset has helped me in many instances when I could have otherwise crumpled into a poor, seething victim. Understand that things can and will be bad, all around you and with a reliable frequency.
Life will test you and prod you to see how you respond. You will face difficulties with other people, sometimes such that it will seem like your guts have been ripped out.
Nevertheless, maintain a positive, resolute outlook on purpose. Your alternative is being eaten alive. Optimism can promote a positive outlook and, thus, a feeling of energizedness.
This can lead to increased motivation, better coping mechanisms in the face of challenges, and a greater sense of control over one's life, all of which can contribute to higher energy levels. A 2021 Americal Psychological Association study found that believing in positive outcomes can fuel action and engagement, making one feel more capable and ready to take on tasks.
Prove the Universe wrong and commit to being strong. When it looks like you’re about to drive off the cliff, swerve a hard right.
Be cheerful when you don’t feel like it. Smile when you’re down and be the first to do so when you’re around others. Walk when you feel like moping.
Expect pain, struggle, and darkness. It is inevitable, so you might as well hold your head up and laugh like the unapologetic warrior you are.
Your refusal to accept the darkness is what smothers your spirit. So find that spirit often. It’s always there, underneath it all. Refuse to be weak. Be the optimistic warrior.
Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient. He's the author of the Mastery Den newsletter, which helps people triple their productivity.