
People With The Most Extroverted Personality Type Share 4 Dark Traits

Photo: Unai Huizi Photography / Shutterstock
outgoing woman stretching up

If you've taken a Myers-Briggs test to see which of the 16 personality types you are, and it turns out you have an ENFP personality, you're the most imaginative, extroverted and open-minded of the types!

ENFPs are known for being observant and curious, and are the type of person who always knows what to say to fix a sticky situation. But despite how cool, calm and collected they seem, the ENFP negative traits tend to land them in trouble, though, most of the time, they can talk their way out of it.

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You see, for every fun thing an ENFP does, there's a negative side to it. Whether they decide they don't want to hang out because they didn't get to make the plans, or they let something small stress them out to the point where it ruins their day, this personality can become very emotional.

If you're ready to take on the ENFP dark side, because every Myers-Briggs type has one, you'll not only have someone in your life who is empathetic and social, but someone who tends to seek validation, is easily overwhelmed, and are deeply unorganized.

Here is a list of negative personality traits for the ENFP type.

4 Negative Personality Traits of the ENFP Dark Side

1. Overthinker

Due to their love of knowing everything, sometimes ENFPs just can't process all the information they take in. They try to find a "deeper meaning" to everything, which often just leads to bad thoughts and being insecure, especially about friendships and relationships.

Whether it was the tone of your last text to them or the fact that their boyfriend said "love you" instead of "I love you" that morning, any little thing can send them into a spiral of their own demise.

This can be taxing on any relationship, but the ENFP isn't doing it because they think you're hiding something or are a terrible person, it's just their own train of thought.

2. Incapable

Have you ever met someone who can do calculus in their head without a calculator but doesn't know how to boil an egg? They are most likely an ENFP.

They're great with ideas and concepts, but when it comes time to put everything into action, they have no idea how to make it come to fruition. If someone isn't constantly pushing them to get their stuff done, ENFP will never do it.

This can get annoying if you're in a relationship with an ENFP, because it can all seem like empty promises. If you're willing to be a part of their support team, you'll be in the clear; if not, you should probably move on.

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3. Moody

Because of the way ENFPs overthink and over-process, they often put themselves in a bad mood.

It's not below them to pull out something you told them in confidence and use it against you. It can be especially hard to deal with them if they're constantly attacking you for things you don't remember doing.

Because of the way they pick up on every little detail, it can be the smallest thing that swings their mood.

For the friend or partner of the ENFP, do your best to be understanding and helpful, but don't put yourself through hell just to be supportive of someone going through a rough patch. If it gets too intense and they keep attacking, don't feel bad about removing yourself from the situation.

4. Unruly

Advice isn't really something that ENFPs take well. They hate the sense of being micromanaged or restrained by rules, and prefer to run wild with their own ideas.

A lot of the time, just giving them what seems like helpful advice could be seen as you trying to dictate their life. While they know they need help and support to make it through, they don't want to be handled this way.

ENFPs want to make it seem like they've got it all together and can do anything on their own. Anyone who tries to get in the way of that, even if it's in a benign way, is seen as a threat. This is how friendships usually end for ENFP.

RELATED: Myers-Briggs Personality Types That Make The Best (And Worst) Friends

Josie Fuller is a writer who studies Journalism and Women's Studies at The University of Florida. Her work has been featured on The Tab.