DoorDash Driver Destroys Family’s Snowman After Dropping Off Their Food
Watching their “Ring” doorbell footage, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

When we’re in a pinch or just don’t have the energy to make dinner, food delivery services can be the perfect fix. Like this busy family on TikTok, many choose apps like DoorDash to keep everyone in their household happy and fed without cooking or leaving the comfort of their homes.
However, things took a turn for this family after watching their “Ring” doorbell footage.
While watching their ‘Ring’ doorbell footage, the family realized their DoorDash driver destroyed their kids’ snowman.
The video captured on the doorbell camera showed the young DoorDash delivery driver making his way up to the family’s front porch with their food. After he sets down the bag and takes a photo he looks hesitantly over at the front lawn.
Just out of view stood the family’s snowman, crafted by their children during the recent Michigan snowstorm. In a split second, the driver ran toward the snowman while the camera slowly turned to keep him in view.
The video showed the DoorDash driver dropping off the food, seconds before knocking down their snowman and running to his car.
Throwing his arms around the snowman, the driver tackled it to the ground, destroying the kids’ work before running back to his car.
Photo: Slatan / Canva Pro
Angry about the driver’s immature behavior and the disappointment in the young kids when they realized their snowman was destroyed, Marty Myers, who posted the video, shared in the comments, “Find this man.”
DoorDash ‘did nothing about it’ despite the footage they captured.
“Did you text him after?” one comment questioned under the video. Despite the in-app messaging system, having the name of his driver, and capturing the event on camera, Myers admitted that DoorDash hadn't done anything about it.
While many companies tend to react to viral videos with compensation and public apologies, DoorDash’s TikTok account was nowhere to be found in the discussion under the post.
While many commenters were in awe of the driver's immaturity — and DoorDash’s lack of response — others found the humor in the video. “This is hilarious,” one wrote. “Find this man and give him a raise.”
Many argued it was all in good fun and accused the family of being ‘too sensitive’ after ordering a delivery during a snowstorm.
While many people utilize delivery services to eliminate quick grocery trips or make last-minute meal plans, there are interesting trends that point to weather as a strong determiner of their usage. In fact, almost 49% of people said they’re more likely to order during “bad weather,” according to a recent survey.
The problem lies in ordering takeout during bad weather. If you're not willing to put yourself or your family at risk, shouldn't the same be said for delivery drivers and restaurant employees? Or as one commenter pointed out, “Shouldn’t you be shoveling your driveway if you know someone is bringing you food?”
Justifying the DoorDasher’s destruction of the family snowman, other commenters shared sentiments of “Lowkey, you deserved it.”
Content creator LA J put it succinctly, “You have to be that person who ordered DoorDash in an ice storm, now you feel guilty and are still hungry.” Captured on another “Ring” doorbell video, the delivery driver slowly made his way up an icy driveway but inevitably fell. With drinks flying everywhere and food falling to the ground, the DoorDash driver slid down the driveway, helplessly laughing in shock when he finally stopped.
“I actually feel bad for bro, he’s just trying to make a little extra money.” one commenter pointed out, to which the poster replied “He still did. Double the money of the order for his tip.”
It's all in good fun until someone gets hurt, however. And perhaps that's the moral of the story. If it's unsafe for you and the ones you love to be out in inclement weather, don't expect others to take risks for something as unimportant as pizza delivery. Or at the very least, make sure they have a clear path to drive and walk once they reach your house. Your snowman's life may depend on it.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a news and entertainment writer at YourTango focusing on pop culture and human interest stories.