The Image You See First In This Visual Test Reveals Your Dominant Traits

There's something about you that just sticks out to other people.

dominant traits personality test animals

The concept of personality is a particularly riveting one because it blends the highest degrees of psychological complexity with the core of each of our specific humanity. Our personality traits are simultaneously fixed and changeable, general and specific, simple and complicated, and so on.

The curiosity so many of us share about personality traits and our own personality type is represented by the wide range of personality tests available to us all. These personality tests are both for casual entertainment purposes online and in professional, academic and therapeutic settings.


Over the course of one study of the relationship between Instagram filter selection and personality traits conducted in 2015, researchers found a correlation between "personality traits and the way users [of Instagram] want to make their pictures look." They went on to conclude that, "This [allows] for new ways to extract personality traits from social media trails."

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Relational psychology suggests we all have "repetitive relational patterns (also referred to as enactments) that reflect [our] unique personal histories, conflicts, and ways of relating to the world." In plain(ish) English, this means we are all constantly and unconsciously influenced by the people and things around us while we constantly and unconsciously influence those people and things in return.

As we do so, each of us develops our own (again unconscious) patterns, and these patterns give rise to and sometimes change our personal characteristics. The unconscious nature of the way our underlying psychological makeup develops is the reason psychotherapists believe they can determine so much from the way we process images.

As opposed to a projective test, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, in which "a person is shown an ambiguous, meaningless image (i.e., an inkblot) [and] the mind will work hard at imposing meaning on the image," personality tests based on relational theories are believed to accurately predict your personality type and traits based on your relationship to the variety of images that have been blended into one.

Therefore, the image you see in the visual test below reveals your dominant traits and core aspects of what makes you who you are.

To begin, take a look at this picture. As soon as your eye finds the first image, scroll down to find out what it says about you.


dominant traits personality test

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If you saw...


1. A stallion

dominant traits personality test stallion

Horses, in general, and stallions, in particular, represent a driving life force that spurs you on to follow your passion.

They are also a sign of someone who is capable of maintaining a balance between following their instinctive nature while behaving in a tamed, socially appropriate manner.


In addition, those who see the stallion first are likely to embody a strong sexual energy with a fondness for excitement.

2. A rooster

dominant traits personality test rooster

If you first noticed the rooster, you are someone who shares their enthusiasm for showing off their magnificence to full advantage. Don't mistake that meaning you are cocky, however.


Given their known dependability each and every morning, roosters have been lauded for centuries by the Chinese for embodying the five virtues. According to, "[With] its crown it appears civilized; with the spurs on its feet it is martial; faced with an enemy it courageously attacks; in the presence of food it displays its humanity by clucking for others to join in; while in the early hours it never fails its duty."

You may love to strut your stuff, but you bring plenty to the table to back it all up.

3. A crab

dominant traits personality test crab


The presence of a crab is said to be intended to remind us of several things:

That we can't always take a direct path to achieve our goals, but that we must be willing to step sideways and gather a new perspective. That community is vital for growth, but we also need self-reflective time in isolation. That we must know when to move and when to withdraw.

If the crab jumped out at you, you are most likely to be someone who is shy and highly sensitive, but who also loves to explore and uses their time in seclusion wisely, and for the benefit of both yourself and others.

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4. A praying mantis

dominant traits personality test praying mantis

Those who first spot the praying mantis have a deeply rooted need for peace, quiet and calm.

These are people who have been overwhelmed to such an extent by chaos and noise from outside of themselves that they have no choice but to learn how to tune out the external so they can return to their wise inner truth.


You are someone who has had both the strength and motivation to learn how to take your time in order to live your life at the pace that works best for you.

And while you are unlikely to make any significant moves in life with giving it careful consideration, you are also clever and insightful enough to reach quick decisions as necessary.

5. A wolf

dominant traits personality test wolf


Wolves show themselves to us in times when we need to be reminded that, while we are civilized creatures, we all occasionally need to honor the impulses of our wild inner spirit.

If the wolf caught your eye, you are a highly organized individual who understands the balance between harmony and discipline.

At your best, your ability to trust your keen insights makes you capable of forming quick and strong emotional attachments to others. You are powerfully intelligent and you maintain a loyal network of friends and family.

At your worst, you can become rigid and competitive due to your strong need for structure and boundaries.

6. A dog

dominant traits personality test dog


If you spotted the dog, you've likely been in need of a remember to be kind, loyal and truthful to yourself.

You may recently have been neglecting to honor your worth with the self-respect you are due. You have a huge spirit and capacity for love and, because of this, it is extremely difficult for anyone to fully break your spirit.

In addition, you have a fondness for serving others, and a loving, gentle and protective quality radiates from all that you say and do.

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7. An eagle

dominant traits personality test eagle


Someone who sees the eagle right away is in need of reconnection with their spiritual path. You need to tune back into the messages of your heart so you can fling the doors open wide and soar on your way to your intended purpose.

When you are in tune with the eagle in your nature, you are balanced in all dimensions of this world. You are free as the air, stand firmly on solid ground and stay near enough to water to remain well nourished.

You are someone highly capable of lofty undertakings required for inner-growth while remaining solidly grounded in the day-to-day realities of life.


8. A butterfly

dominant traits personality test butterfly

People who spy the butterfly are those with a gift for graciously embracing change and coming out on the other side only better for everything they endure.

You accept things as they come and quickly shift to float through whatever comes your way. You also have a highly sensitive side and can be easily upset by the slightest change in environment.


That said, your beauty shines brightly at every single moment, and you bring joy to everyone lucky enough to encounter you.

9. A dove

dominant traits personality test dove

The dove is the eternal symbol of peace, so if this glorious bird first caught your eye, you are well aware that sometimes the best way to achieve what you want in this world is to stretch out your wings and surrender to the knowledge that the wind will carry you home, as long as you have the courage to take the initial leap forward.


People who see the dove first are some of the most gentle and giving in the world. They exude a quality of innocence that attracts many — too many at times.

You must be careful not to let your generous nature signal to others that you can be taken advantage of in any way.

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Executive Editor Arianna Jeret, MA/MSW, is a writer and former family law mediator. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, Yahoo, MSN, Bustle, Parents and more.