The Counterintuitive Trick Happy People Use To Genuinely Enjoy Their Lives, According To A Manifestation Expert
If you are ready to enjoy life, there is one step to take to start feeling happier.

Living a happy life is the dream, but that doesn't mean that achieving it is easy. Whether the past or present intervenes, everyone has challenges that get in the way of living a joy-filled life. Regardless of what's at the doorstep, there is a piece of wisdom that's often overlooked. If you are ready to enjoy life, there is one step to take to start feeling happier.
Manifestation coach Alleah Friedrichs revealed a counterintuitive trick happy people use to live their best lives, and it's simple in theory but much harder in practice.
A manifestation expert shared that the trick to a genuinely happy life is letting everyone off the hook.
According to Friedrichs, most people will resist her advice because it's counterintuitive. She said the key to manifesting a happy life is to "let everyone off the hook." Whether it's as she described, "your annoying boss, your nagging partner, your crazy kids, your negative friend — everybody gets let off the hook."
"When we do this, it is the first time we are not energetically holding them to the personality or habits that we don't like," explained Friedrichs.
Putting the manifestation expert's advice into practice isn't as easy as it sounds.
Letting people off the hook is easier said than done, but there is a reason behind that type of negative thinking. Simply put, it isn't easy to let go. Some memories and hurts are more painful than others, making the process more complex.
For some, even knowing how to begin the process is an enigma. Recognizing what bothers you and understanding that letting go is a process that takes time is a crucial first step.
"When we choose not to follow the path of letting go, it is like deciding to carry a heavy rock around with us, weighing ourselves down. We don't know what to do with the rock, so we keep carrying it around. Even if others explain the benefit of throwing away the rock, we're still afraid to let it go," wrote psychotherapist Ilene Strauss Cohen, Ph.D., in an article for Psychology Today.
Jacek Chabraszewski | Shutterstock
The first step involves identifying who you need to release from blame.
So, how can you get started? Friedrichs suggested focusing on the person who's holding you back. She said, take a deep breath and say, "I'm gonna let you off the hook." If that feels too difficult, contemplate releasing people from your life. This will help you begin the process of removing worry and claiming happiness.
Keep in mind that this doesn't mean you're letting people entirely off the hook. It doesn't mean they didn't do anything wrong. It simply means you aren't going to hold on to the pain of being wronged any longer. Surviving is a way of reclaiming your power, and releasing the negative energy shifts your perspective and allows positivity in.
Observational studies and some randomized trials propose that forgiveness improves life. Forgiving is associated with lower levels of depression, anxiety, and hostility. It also reduces substance abuse and elevates self-esteem. Overall, it provides greater life satisfaction.
By, as Friedrichs explained, "disrupting the energy" of the initial annoyance, we set ourselves on a path to happiness. There is power in forgiveness. There is power in letting go of your annoyances. That power is living your best, most joyful life.
Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.