Mom Swaps Her Toddler With Another Baby To See If Her Husband Would Notice

How well does he know his daughter?

Kat Stickler TikTok

Sometimes mix-ups happen. You send your son to school in your daughter’s pants. You accidentally call your kid by their sibling’s name — or even worse — your dog’s name.

You feel like a terrible mother, but it happens. They’re harmless mix-ups. It’s exhausting being a mom sometimes.

A not-so-harmless mix-up would be bringing home a stranger’s baby from the park because you thought it was yours, which is exactly what one mom pranked her husband by pretending to do.


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A mom pranked her husband by swapping her toddler with another baby to see if he'd notice.

Florida mom and popular TikToker, Kat Stickler, set up the perfect scenario for a baby-swap prank. She claims she wanted to see how long it took her husband to notice they had the wrong baby.

She posted the prank to TikTok, captioned “Switching babies to see if my husband notices.”

“Now for the baby swap,” she says in the video. “Here’s baby number one. Now we’re gonna switch with baby number two.” Stickler swapped her daughter, Mary-Katherine, with her friend Shannon’s baby who was around the same age, changed her outfit, and put her in her daughter’s stroller. 


They had just returned from the park, providing the perfect scenario for the prank to seem believable. While Shannon stays with Mary-Katherine on the porch, Stickler rolls the random baby up to her husband in a stroller and asks him to take her out.

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The hidden camera captures him agreeing, approaching the stroller, and staring in disbelief for a few moments at the random baby. Then he says “This is not our baby.” Still committed to the prank, Stickler asks, “What do you mean?”


“Katherine, this is… Is this a prank?” he asks. He picks up the baby that was swapped from the stroller to hold it.

Then he starts to freak out. “Who’s baby is this? You’re pranking me right now. Where’s MK? This is not our baby,” he stammers. “Did you go… you went to the park, right? Katherine, this is not our baby! This is not funny! Where’s MK?!”

Stickler tells her husband that it’s just a prank, goes over to hug him, and apologizes. “That’s not funny!”, he says. “My heart is beating so fast. I thought you literally lost our child.”

“I live in a prank. I live in a prank!” he says at the end.

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The majority of the comment section was pleased — yet shocked that he realized it was the wrong baby right away.

One user writes, “You have a winner! We don’t have kids, but I could replace our Schnauzer with a German Shepard and my husband probably wouldn’t notice for a week!”

“The fact that he actually noticed, and while freaking out about his real child, he still cared for the baby,” another adds. “Give him props for noticing the difference excellent observation,” writes a third user.

A few thought the prank was a little cruel. Some pointed out that a dad shouldn’t be applauded for realizing a baby isn’t his. One user writes, “Ok after watching this it’s totally not funny. Especially in todays climate. I agree with dad. I feel sorry for him and I don’t like this.”


“When the standards for dads are so low that this is impressive,” adds another.

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Maddie Haley is a writer for YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers pop culture and celebrity news.