Where Ethics And The Spirituality Business Are At Odds

Do the businesses and practices that you support match your moral compass?

woman using essential oils Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

Spiritual and metaphysical practitioners and shops have become increasingly easy to find both online and in brick-and-mortar stores. 

You can hire a psychic or a coach and buy crystals and essential oils very easily now. 

Part of me loves this, but part of me wonders if this is a place where ethics and spirituality can thrive together.

RELATED: What Is Spirituality? A Beginner's Guide To Exploring Your Spiritual Side


What does it mean to be ethical when your business is spirituality?

Years ago, I became certified as a life coach. The certification was not required, but I felt it carried some reference to credibility. 

There was nothing riveting offered in the class. Most of the material seemed like common sense and my background in nursing certainly helped. 

But, the class was an eye-opener. Many people with a huge variety of skills sets and backgrounds had the desire to help others.

I also became certified as an Angel reader. The certification is a little cringy, but again, I felt it offered some additional value for credibility. 


What I now offer clients is derived from years of experience and my ability to connect with the other side. This ultimately is what makes psychics and mediums skillful.

There's no regulation on psychics, mediums, energy workers, or coaches.  

I’m not saying that there should be formal guidance but I do believe ethics and talent should play a significant role in the longevity and success of all practitioners.

Marketing is sometimes the biggest factor in the business accomplishments of coaches, psychics, and other healers.

I adhere to the idea that people will find the energy worker or healer that's the best fit for them. I also know that everyone needs to pay attention to how they feel around the practitioner. 


Be discerning. How does their advice sit with you? Do they have a scheme to get you to spend more money? It's very important for energy workers to make referrals to medical and mental health experts and legal advice. 

In recent times there have been spiritual advisors sharing their opinions of the pandemic as if it were medical advice. Sometimes, the best guidance a client can receive is a referral to an appropriate provider.

RELATED: 10 Spiritual Crystals And Their Meanings

The beauty of this wide-open system is that you should be able to find a practitioner that's a good fit for you. 

They each have their own style and approach to sharing information. Trust your own intuitive abilities.


I love the following quote by John Gerzma: 'Transparency, honesty, kindness, good stewardship, even humor, work in businesses at all times."

It's time for all healers to collectively come up with an oath, similar to the Hippocratic Oath. A promise of, "First do no harm."

Even though there are no regulations, do your homework. 

When you're on the market for spiritual guidance, go to practitioners who demonstrate professional behaviors. Read their reviews and testimonials. 

Your discernment can create an environment where ethical practitioners thrive, with or without regulations.

What about essential oils and crystals?

Essential oils are a huge business. They are even found in mainstream stores. The marketing for essential oils, as home remedies, has been very successful. 


Hidden beneath the promise of healing is the potential harm to environmental resources, workers' health, and potential unhealthy additives to the oil.  

When possible, find an expert in essential oils that knows exactly where the plants are growing, who's harvesting them, and what chemicals or other oils are being added.

The crystal market might be an even bigger business opportunity than selling essential oils. 

Crystals are on clothing, jewelry, and of course, sold for their healing properties. The diamond industry was exposed to be involved in issues regarding child labor, workers' rights, and questionable environmental practices. 


You need to have the same mindset when buying crystals. Are they ethically mined? Is it a sustainable practice? 

Some crystals come from places with deep political unrest. Like anything else, you need to explore what your money is supporting.

Do the businesses and practices you support match your moral compass? This can be very revealing and indicates if your heart and lifestyle are aligned. These are the things to keep in mind when you think about what it means to be ethical in the spirituality business. 

RELATED: What Are Essential Oils? + How They Work & Which Are The Best To Use

Polly Wirum is an intuitive life coach and writer. If you are ready to discover more about your deepest self, contact her for an intuitive astrological reading, psychic reading, or spiritual life coaching.
