3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week Starting June 14th, 2020

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week Starting June 14th, 2020 Diana Indiana/Shutterstock.com

It's a great week for many reasons, but three zodiac signs get the blessings of a Gemini Sun more than most. 

Here we are, smack dab in the middle of 2021. Holy smokes, how did THAT happen?

We're already half way through the year that followed the worst year of our lives? Yes, friends, it's true...but there's also something very special about this crossroads moment.

Astrologically, we're still in the Mercury retrograde, joined now by Jupiter retrograde (actually a rather pleasant event) - but the real kicker is Mars in Leo, which, for some signs, is going to seem like a kick in the pants...and by 'kick in the pants' I mean, we're going to be jolted into action and that action is going to be powerful, positive and meaningful. Woohoo!


Mars is a fighter planet, a real kickass aspect that has the ability to change our minds and help us see clearly.

While we will all be affected by this warrior mindset this week, there are three signs in particular who are about to take this strategic intelligence to the next level. Prepare for new beginnings and fresh new perspectives.

Who is going to have a great week, starting June 14, 2021?

Zodiac signs who will have a great week starting June 14, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19):

What's going to feel extraordinary about this week is the fact that you are going to notice your own behavior and act accordingly.


You rarely check your actions, and you are very impulsive, however, during this week you'll be 'forced' into self-reflection, and it is in that inner gaze that you'll find out that there are other ways to go about finessing what you want in life.

This is going to be a revelatory week for you - that Jupiter retrograde is going to play a big part in it as well, as you will not only feel your mind expand - you'll WANT it to.

What makes this a great week for you isn't about money or romance, it's not about sex or winning - it's about personal, mental progress and a new stage of development for you, intellectually.

You've got Mars powering in, and that awakens everything in you - and this means that you are literally going to become smarter...and this is all due to one very important aspect: You want this.


You want to grow, you want to advance and you hunger for wisdom. This is exactly what's going to move you along and keep you moving with momentum.

Good for you, Aries - Booyah to the one who uses their mind and ends up living the sweet life because of that effort.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

There's a very slim chance that anyone here has had it easy this year, or last - but there's a turning point about to happen as we cross the median line of 2021.

You feel it because you're hypersensitive.

What makes this week great for you is that you can honestly say that the worst of it - whatever 'it' is - is finally over. Emotionally, the roller coaster ride of insecurity is over - you 'feel' it and it does you good.


This week you can expect a 'click' moment, where you suddenly realize you have a chance again, and that the worst of it is over.

You will feel hope, promise - you'll suddenly accept that, WOW, you can feel good again, and that you will be doing all the things you planned for.

During the actual week, you may hear from an old friend who not only brings with them good tidings - they bring money, riches, adventure, excitement.

This is exactly what you needed - a friend, a helper who wants to be with you and is firmly devoted to making your life a better place. Awesome!

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Mars, your co-ruling planet has big plans for you this week, Scorpio, and it's going to show up as personal power - just the way you like it. Will it be hectic? Yes. Will you feel frazzled? Yes. Will you enjoy every last second of this frenzied blast of energy and positive drive?


Oh yes. Scorpio - this is the kind of week where you just get what you want, and just the idea of this kind of success makes you soar on an emotional high.

Professionally, it's time to make the power moves; get on it now - grab that dangling opportunity and do not hesitate to throw down your best moves to acquire it.

People are listening to you this week - and you simply cannot go wrong, because Mars has your back and this transit is allowing you to fully grab control so that the weeks that follow this one can run just as smoothly - and powerfully.


Also - sex, romance, and passion are in play again, just in case you thought something had slipped in that department.

You just needed your buddy Mars to ignite things again. This week makes you somewhat irresistible, and if you're truly the Scorpio you know yourself to be, then take advantage of that now.


Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.