13 Ways To Beat Loneliness During Quarantine When You Live By Yourself

You're home alone, living your best life.

13 Ways To Beat Loneliness During Quarantine When You Live By Yourself getty

Almost all of us started 2020 with high hopes and expectations. We were so excited to see what the new decade had to offer, but now, that feeling of promise has dampened due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s progressively becoming more alarming and is affecting everyone worldwide. 

Events are canceled. Schools have transitioned to online courses. People are even temporarily unemployed. Restaurants no longer allow you to dine in. The grocery store hardly ever have toilet paper or water. Life has taken a turn for the worst.


But, worst of all, our mental health has taken a hit, leading to loneliness while isolating or in quarantine.

RELATED: 15 Self-Care Tips For Balancing Mental Health While Isolated In Coronavirus Quarantine

Amid the Coronavirus panic, I had to stop being so self-centered. Whether I liked it or not, I had to accept the reality. Changes to our daily lives are essential to slow the spread of the disease, and if I decided not to abide by CDC guidelines, I wouldn't only be harming myself, but others as well.


The only way I was going to get through this quarantine was by changing my perspective, especially when I started feeling lonely. Instead of focusing on all the things I’d be losing, I had to focus on all the things I’d finally have the opportunity to do.

When will we ever get to spend a full two weeks at home without having to go to work, events or class? My answer was never, because my day-to-day life is quite busy, like most people.

Instead of viewing this as a lockdown, I started to view it as my period of self-discovery. It's a chance to be my own company, and I had the whole place to myself. 

As the days of quarantine have progressed, I realized that I actually enjoy living alone. I thought I was going to be lonely, but I was calm and content. Unfortunately, many people who live on their own will eventually feel lonely.


But here's how to stop feeling lonely while making the most of your quarantine.

1. Read a new book.

I love self-help books. I kid you not, after reading one I feel a transformation within myself if I apply what I read!

Since we’re quarantined, why not work on ourselves now? That way, when things are back to normal, we are new and improved versions of ourselves. If self-help books aren’t your cup of tea, there are many different genres to choose from.

2. Get extra hours of sleep.

Now we have no excuse for not getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep, take full advantage of all your free time. Getting enough sleep is very beneficial to your health, so don't hit that snooze button and sleep in a little longer.


3. Take on art projects.

Whether you like to paint, sculpt, or color, do things that allow you to be creative. Lots of adults feel they can’t express their creativity at work, so let your art keep your mind off things. Art is a very positive outlet, and if you aren't feeling quite creative, why not try arts and crafts?

RELATED: 6 Strategies To Relieve Stress During The Coronavirus Crisis

4. Work on your spirituality.

Regardless of what religion you practice, this quarantine is a great opportunity to work on your spirituality. That looks different for everyone.

If you're a Christian like me, it probably means reading your Bible and praying. If you’re Buddhist, it might mean slotting more time to meditate within your daily routine. If you don't practice a religion but want to get in touch with yourself, it's the perfect time for self-discovery and growth.


5. Find a home workout you love.

The gyms are closed, but that doesn’t mean you should be a couch potato for a whole two weeks! There are many video on YouTube that have endless at-home workouts you could use to exercise. And most of them don’t require equipment.

6. Improve your makeup skills.

I’m a pro at doing the no makeup look, but I can’t do eyeshadow to save my life. Thanks to being in quarantine, I now have time to experiment with different eyeshadow colors I’d normally never try.

If you’re stuck on how to even get started doing your makeup, YouTube is the go-to source.

7. Make new cooking recipes.

Quite frankly, I don’t cook, but it’s not because I can’t. I’d just rather spend my time doing other things.


Lately, I’ve been trying several recipes that are quick and easy to make. Maybe after quarantine I’ll start using my kitchen! If you’re an experienced cook, you’ll enjoy trying out new recipes.

8. Call your loved ones.

Just because we’re socially distancing and quarantining, it doesn’t mean we have to be isolated from our friends, significant other, or family. I call and FaceTime at least one family member every day because human interaction is good for us.

It's not good to go days or weeks without communicating during quarantine.

RELATED: 4 Simple Steps To Overcoming Fear & Anxiety During The Coronavirus Pandemic

9. Create a TikTok account.

All I see on my Instagram feed are TikTok videos — and I love it! Everyone I know who has one says it’s so entertaining and addicting, and what a great way to pass the time.


If you create an account and post videos, you might even become a famous TikToker. Who knows?

10. Start a new series.

Many of us are binge-watching Netflix during this time, but I’m challenging you to start watching a series outside of your comfort zone. You might find that you love a different genre than what you're used to.

11. Clean and rearrange your home.

Since we’re in the house all day now, it only makes sense that we take the time to clean and disinfect. Coronavirus or not, it’s important to keep a clean home.


When you’re done cleaning, take some time to rearrange your furniture and see how you can transform a room just by moving a few pieces. Marie Kondo would be proud!

12. Do that one thing you’ve been holding off on.

We all have that one thing we’re dying to do, but never do it. It might be because of fear, financial reasons, or lack of time.

Regardless of whatever is holding you back, this quarantine is the perfect time to take baby steps towards your goal. You may not finish it all, but at least you started, and that’s better than nothing.

13. Don't forget to take a break.

You need to give yourself a break. Quarantine gives you time to spend a few moments doing nothing and not feeling bad about it. Those moments we get to do nothing are when recharge and prevent burnout.


RELATED: How To Erase Fear And Connect With Yourself Deeply In Coronavirus Isolation

Tamara Sanon is a writer with a passion for covering topics about health and wellness, lifestyle, astrology, and relationships.