The Perfect Companion For Travelling, By Zodiac Sign

Who should you give that second plane ticket to?

Who Should Be Your Travel Buddy, By Zodiac Sign pexels

Traveling the world alone can be a wonderful experience.

However, traveling with someone you feel close to can also be eye opening and bring forward deep, more meaningful connections with others.

There is no better feeling than planning a vacation with some friends or family.

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Since we all have different interests, traveling with others allows you to visit a variety of sites and see places you may not have wanted to if traveling alone. Not to mention, group travel is a budget friendly way to see the planet.

Friends take you out of your comfort zone, and that is especially important when traveling.

Maybe you like to travel with your significant other – nothing brings you two closer than a stroll in Paris or a drunk night in New Orleans.

If you have never considered traveling with someone, it could be a good idea to try something new and search for a buddy to vacation with.


But, if you have always wanted to travel alone, don't let fear stop you.

Being alone and allowing yourself to take in the sites, sounds, and people around you will only make the trip more memorable and relaxing.

Everyone has a person they should travel with.

Here is your perfect travel buddy, by zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, you should tell your parents to pack their bags because you're taking them on your next vacation.

You don't enjoy being alone and would rather have people around you who you're familiar with.

Your parents have done so much for you and now is your time to pamper them in a way that they deserve. They are so excited to see the world with their favorite kid.


Consider your family the next time you take a trip around the globe. Even though you normally like to prove your independence, include your loved ones the next time you plan a vacation.

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TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, your significant other is the person you should travel with.

They have always wanted to be by your side and see the world with you. As you two grow closer, your partner wants to try and experience new things with you.

If you have never traveled anywhere together before, pick someone that benefits the both of you.

The destination doesn't have to be far; it could be a short car ride to a new city or a local beach.


If your significant other happens to be a Pisces, you can expect an easy-going and amazing trip.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, as the sign of siblings it is only appropriate that you invite your brother or sister along for the ride.

As you grow older, you create a bond with your siblings that becomes stronger. Being able to joke around and make memories with your siblings will be the best part of your trip.

In ten years, you'll look back on your trip and be happy you got to spend some time traveling the world with your brother and sister.

While they may be annoying sometimes, at the end of the day they're the closest family you'll ever have.


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CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, as a home body it is best for you to travel with people who make you feel like there is a home away from home.

Your family should travel with you the next time you want to see the world.

You don't have to just invite your parents; you could also invite the whole extended family and make it sort of a family reunion.

While that may sound cringy to some, to a Cancer it sounds like a dream come true.

Having all the people you love come together and sit on a plane for hours is your version of the perfect vacation.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, your friends are the ones who should travel with you.


Gather all of your high schools pals and college roommates together for a wild few days of traveling.

You live for a wild night, being crazy and carefree.

Your friends are just as wild as you, but also know when to pull you back down to Earth if things get out of hand.

A Leo surrounded by friends can turn even the most boring of destinations into party central.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, that co-worker or boss you've become close to should be the person you travel with.

You've been wanting to get that raise, but you also have found that your co-workers have very similar goals in life to yours.

Traveling with them will help enhance both your work and social life.


Who doesn't like befriending their boss while also becoming more eligible for a raise?

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LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, you are most suited to travel with your partner. If you're single, use this trip as a way of self-discovery and finding out what you want most out of a significant other.

If you are in a relationship, bring your partner with you to strengthen your connection.

Libras are all about balance and like to know there is mutual love between them and their partner.

If things seem a little off, plan a getaway for the two of you that will bring you closer together.

There is no better travel buddy than the love of your life.


SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, your outgoing and spontaneous side makes traveling with a love interest the best choice for you.

If there is a person who you have physical, romantic feelings for, bring them along on your next vacation.

At most, you'll leave the trip a couple. At the least, you'll have a wild time with someone who just wanted a fling.

Regardless of the outcome, it will be a travel experience you both will never forget.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, you find fun and adventure anywhere. This makes traveling solo the best option for you.

You're not a fan of people who will hold you back and want to make the most out of your trip.


You want to hike a dangerous trail and swim with sharks, which you know most of your friends and family wouldn't be down for.

Book a trip and travel by yourself – you will be amazed at how much you learn and how much strength will grow inside you.

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CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, you are best suited to travel with random groups; whether it be a church retreat, a conference with work, or a volunteer excursion, you are always down to tag along.

You love to lend a helping hand and would never pass up an opportunity to travel and learn more about the world around you.

You love making new friends and connecting with an older generation.

Traveling with different groups of people will only widen your views and make the trip more memorable.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, you love to be alone and find solitude in helping out a cause you're passionate about.

It is best for you to either travel alone or with a few close friends that share your same beliefs.


You want to travel and help out with a humanitarian issue that is close to your heart.

Traveling around the world and offering your help to those in need, you want to be with people who understand your values.

Find one or two close friends that make you feel comfortable and book your flight.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, you feel it is only right to travel with your church.

You feel closest to those who partake in your religious beliefs and find it is best to stick with them during your travels.

What better way to see the beauty that surrounds our Earth than with the people who respect it in the same way you do?

Make sure you are the first to sign up for that service trip and invite all of your friends to tag along.


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Carlie Fox is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.