90 Day Fiancé Shocker! Larissa Leaks Nude Pics Of Colt

Colt and Larissa are fighting again. Is revenge porn Larissa's newest weapon?

90 Day Fiancé Shocker! Larissa Leaks Nude Pics of Colt

Fans of 90 Day Fiancé tuned in for the season finale last night, and watched the couples finally walk down the aisle. While it might look like a happy ending on tv, social media tells a very different story.

As followers of Colt and Larissa know, that couple has had more than their share of off-screen drama since the series started airing this fall. Between jealousy, domestic violence allegations, sexting scandals, and the revelation that Larissa left behind at least two kids in Brazil and literally never mentioned them on the show, there’s been a lot for these two to deal with.


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This weekend, fans were treated to even more social media drama and it was entirely NSFW.

What’s going on with Colt and Larissa from 90 Day Fiancé now? Read on to find out.

1. The couple started as strangers in love.

This couple had only spent five days together in person before getting engaged. They met and fell in love online and Colt proposed the first time they were together.


Once Larissa relocated from Brazil to Colt’s home in Nevada, it became clear that they had a lot to learn about each other, including that Colt shares everything, including his home and a joint checking account with his mother.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiancé Cheating Scandal! Did Colt Cheat On Larissa?

2. Colt and Larissa domestic violence details.

There were a least two times when fights between Colt and Larissa escalated to the point where police were involved.

In one incident, Larissa was locked int the bathroom and posted multiple calls for help on social media. Colt called the cops to assistance and the arrested Larissa. S

he spent two days in jail for that incident and we learned that it was her second domestic violence arrest since arriving in Nevada. Charges have been dropped in both cases.


RELATED: 90 Day Fiancé Shocker: Are Kalani And Asuelu Pregnant With Baby Number 2?



A post shared by Old Page: @90dayfiancetlc (@90dayfiancetea) on Dec 31, 2018 at 5:10am PST

3. Larissa and Colt cheating scandal.

Before the arrest, Larissa had taken to Instagram to accuse Colt of flirting with other women online.


She claimed girls would send him messages and he was trying to downplay his relationship with her to keep the attention coming.

In the weeks, to follow, multiple screenshots of text conversations between Colt and other women surfaced. Colt attempted to apologize on Instagram.



A post shared by Old Page: @90dayfiancetlc (@90dayfiancetea) on Dec 19, 2018 at 9:26am PST

4. Colt's nude selfie sent to fan?

This week, 90 Day Fiancé fan groups were rocked when a photo that was alleged to be Colt’s penis started circulating widely.


The photo was distinctly unflattering and it was rumored to have been sent to a girl Colt was sexting. Larissa hopped on Instagram to deny the validity of the photo, claiming it wasn’t Colt at all.

She said it was a photo she took off the internet at sent to a girl herself so the girl would stop texting Colt. Enterprising fans tried to track down the source of the photo to no avail, leading to the conclusion that is probably was Colt’s picture.

5. Colt's masturbating video and revenge porn details.

To make matters ever worse, two videos of Colt masturbating are also making the rounds.

Colt admits that those are him and remind everyone sharing that that revenge porn is a crime and distributing such images without a person’s consent is wrong, posting on Instgram, "I think people are forgetting that what happened to me was technically a crime. I made mistakes in my relationship and I’ll have to atone for them sooner or later but that doesn’t mean you can release explicit images or video of ANYONE without their permission." 


For once, Colt is right.

6. Infighting within 90 Day Fiance family.

Colt got in an internet spat with fellow castmate Kalani on Instagram.

When a fan asked if Colt still had a day job during filming, he replied “No, I’m not Kalani”, referring to how Kalani stopped work to film and spend time with her fiancé Asuelu and their son Oliver. Kalani clapped back saying “ Oh, Colt. Sending "dick” pictures to women other than your wife isn’t an occupation.”

She went on to denigrate Colt’s anatomy. He then blocked her.



A post shared by Old Page: @90dayfiancetlc (@90dayfiancetea) on Dec 28, 2018 at 6:43am PST

7. Colt's sexts with other women keep appearing.

More and more screenshots of conversations between Colt and women other than Larissa keep materializing online, raising suspicions that some of them are women pretending to be interested in him just to see what he does so they can later publicly bust him or send the screenshots to Larissa.


The fact that he keeps responding to strange women at all does not bode well for their marriage.



A post shared by Old Page: @90dayfiancetlc (@90dayfiancetea) on Dec 13, 2018 at 10:27pm PST

8. But is any of it real?

Any of these scandals could be marriage ending situations for many couples, but Colt and Larissa usually follow each catastrophe up with a lot of lovely behavior.


Recently, they were posting photos of themselves out on the town in Vegas. Some fans are getting suspicious that all of it is for show and they’re just trying to milk their reality TV moment for all it’s worth.

According tp SoapDirt one fan even says they’ve negotiated a $50,000 deal to film another season. Considering cast members usually only get $1000 per episode, that’s quite a payday.

What’s next for this melodramatic pair? We’ll find out on the 90 Day Fiancé tell all

Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. Her work has been seen at Ravishly, Babble, Scary Mommy, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and she is a cohost of the weekly podcast The More Perfect Union.
