New Heat-Activated PENIS Implant For Men With Erectile Dysfunction

Rejoice, men!

How To Treat Erectile Dysfunction weheartit

For many men, the idea of sticking a metal rod into their penis is probably a terrifying prospect. But for some, it’s literally the answer to their prayers.

There are millions of men in America right now experiencing some form of erectile dysfunction, and many of those guys have issues responding to or cannot take drugs for some reason or another.

But thanks to professors at Northwestern and Southern Illinois University, there may actually be some hope for how to treat erectile dysfunction and bring a peace of mind to men suffering from this issue. Unfortunately for them, it does require a small surgical procedure and yes, the whole “shoving a metal rod into your penis” situation.


But if it does what it’s supposed to, then the procedure will be worth it, gents.

Thanks to the universities, a new penile implant has been developed that requires no pumps, ED medication, weird doo-dads, or potential tissue-damaging perma-boners to make it work.


The implant was crafted using a nickel-titanium alloy that allows for the metal to expand when things get hot, both figuratively and literally speaking.

After the rod is implanted, it would be able to expand via a remote-controlled device but will remain errr... “offline” the rest of the time.



While the implant itself is a fantastic idea that triumphs over some of the current forms of erectile dysfunction treatments available, it isn’t exactly a “hands-free” device, either. The remote control must be used to turn it off and on again, so if you’re not great with remembering to keep your remote control in one place, then you might want to get quick with it, really fast. Otherwise, it might actually give partners some play ideas if they want to share control of that device too.

So, not only can you get back into the groove of a healthy sex life and a satisfied partner, but you might even be able to establish a new kink for the two of you to share together.
