I Can Only Orgasm From Anal Sex ... But Wow, It's Amazing

Seriously. Not even vibrators do it for me.

I Can Only Orgasm from Anal Sex ... But Wow, It's Amazing Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

For years, I could never orgasm. At first, I thought it was from lack of experience, so I very understandably and maturely went out to have a little fun with a lover or two ... dozen.

Each of these lovers rode into my bedroom as if mounted upon white stallions.

They had the sheen of a twinkle in their eyes and an impishly buoyant hope that they could be the "one" — the one to pull the infamous sword out of my very frigidly set stone. The one to give me an orgasm.


All champions came; all champions failed.

When lack of experience was no longer in question, I figured I should dig a little deeper and stray onto the path less taken.

I thought, what could the harm be? As long as I found the elusive orgasm — which I was so desperate to find, who wouldn't be? — I didn't care what the path to it would be.

So, I began to experiment a little. I tried different sex environments: in water, on golf courses, and pressed up against rolled-up rugs in a storage closet.

I tried oils and massages, sweet love-making and tenderness. I tried roughhousing and spitting, firm grips, and tied up limbs. 


RELATED: How To Enjoy Anal Sex — 7 No-Pain Tips For Beginners

Nothing was working. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, I tried vibrators, too, and they didn't work. I see your head shaking, but it's the truth. They just don't work for me.)

Continuing on in my scantily-clad sex quest, I reasoned it was time to try sex in a way unexperienced before. I would brave the back door with anal sex and then I would know for sure if I would ever be able to cum.


It didn't happen on the first try. (I know, I know. I'd like to say that I tried it, and bam! I was miraculously an orgasming womanBut nothing's ever as easy as all that, especially when it comes to sex.)

No, the first time I tried anal, I did it doggy-style, which wasn't my golden ticket to Willy Wonka's orgasm factory. We warmed up with a couple of fingers and a healthy dose of lube, then presto! He wriggled and pushed until it was in. (I was a first-timer, so it took longer to get it in than the actual act itself.) 

Although anal heightened my senses tremendously — goosebumps all along my back, erect nips, the works — it wasn't necessarily pleasure-inducing for me. It was uncomfortable.

It was a little bit painful, yes, as so many women have bemoaned in the past. However, if I mind-over-matter'd the situation, I found I could endure the slight pain.


More than any other sensation, it was uncomfortable, a wholly new sensation for myself, which got me thinking too harduh, it's not supposed to go in there.

Therefore, it was a no-go on my first try. But, my partner loved it, so we began doing it semi-regularly now that I was no longer an anal virgin.

That's when it unexpectedly happened.

RELATED: 25 SUPER Honest Anal Sex Tips (From Someone Who LOVES It)

About our third time in, he asked to do it missionary. I thought that position took away the whole fun of anal, but what did I know? I didn't have a penis.

And apparently, I didn't know jack squat about sex because that position was the absolute best. 


In a matter of minutes, I was leg-shaking, gasping, couldn't-move-except-to-push- my-pelvis-forward-orgasming.

Hallelujah! I was having an incredible, hard, anal-induced orgasm. I was a little taken aback by the encounter, as was my partner, but we were both ecstatic about this new development.

How was this magic happening, you ask? Well, for one, I wasn't trying so hard anymore.


Not concerning myself with the elusive orgasm helped in my relaxation, but what really got me there was my back door.

Simply: It was the key to getting me off. There's something extra special about those extrasensory nerves back there that pushed me right over the edge. (Pair that with my clit being stimulated simultaneously and this dynamic duo-action did the trick!)

So ladies, if you too are having a little hard time getting off, play with the back door. Who knows, maybe you need dual stimulation to get your juices flowing and to send you right over the blissful edge.

It doesn't hurt to try. And, really, it doesn't hurt.

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Rita Sente is a writer and contributor to YourTango.