What You Not-So-Secretly Want For Christmas, Based On Your Horoscope

Free daily horoscope for Thursday, December 10.

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The holidays are upon us and we're all thinking about the things we want and need. Truth is, no one knows you as well as your ruling sign. Check out your daily horoscope for Thursday, December 10 to find out what you should be asking Santa for this year.

Sagittarius: Between your birthday month and the holidays, you've def been doing your share of partying! Let’s consider finding a balance, shall we? Healthy eating helps, but don't forget to clear your head and heart, too. Check out a yoga or meditation class before you head out for another happy hour. Ohm!


Sagittarius should ask Santa for: a gym membership.

Capricorn: It's one of those days where you feel like you're really making strides. Sure, you’re patient, but it’s always nice to sit back and realize how far you’ve come. Take a moment to enjoy your efforts and savor the success. It will energize you to keep moving forward. #Winning!

Capricorn should ask Santa for: a journal.

Aquarius: You're feeling pretty smug today, and your Cheshire grin is giving it away. You're taking on new things and following your intuition — it's working for you. It's a pretty awesome thing to know your kicking ass. Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back.


Aquarius should ask Santa for: a night in with close friends.

Pisces: The travel bug is biting hard today. Take a quick break at work to explore the neighborhood if you can. If not, fantasize about your next trip or staycation. Or maybe your holiday party needs an island theme? Forget a white Christmas — how about a Hawaiian Christmas? Mistletoe and leis — aloha!

Pisces should ask Santa for: money.

Aries: You're in battle mode today. The slower signs better steer clear of you. It's great that you're ready to take on the world, but you miiiiight wanna focus inward a little bit. Don't push yourself (or anyone else) too hard unless you want to cause some damage.


Aries should ask Santa for: Groupons to try out some new hobbies.

Taurus: You’ve been all about your friends and family lately, and it’s making you very popular. The good karma is real. You're in total harmony with the universe and the give and take of life. ‘Tis the season, after all! Make sure you’re not forgetting to put in work. You need that income to keep up the generosity.

Taurus should ask Santa for: a man cave / she shed.

Gemini: Every party animal needs a little downtime. Today, you're a little more focused on work and cash flow. Can’t spend ALL your money on socializing! It's all about balance — hey, you know how the twins work. If you just can’t skip happy hour, try not to pull another all-nighter. The weekend is sooooo close; partying can wait.


Gemini should ask Santa for: a soul mate.

Cancer: You've got your mind on work and work on your mind. You don’t want to lose any of the progress you’ve made lately, and that’s the right attitude. Keep the momentum and get to work!

Cancer should ask Santa for: a night in with family.

Leo: Today you find the perfect balance between the office and your bedroom. Layer that sexy lingerie with a classic button down and blazer. Pounce through the day like the queen of the jungle you are — then land on your back for some belly rubs and winter lovin’ tonight.

Leo should ask Santa for: a girl's night out.

Virgo: You're not usually one to dream about vacations. But isn't it about time? What's your dream vacation? Make it happen! In the meantime, a mani-pedi or relaxing massage will do the trick.


Virgo should ask Santa for: a spontaneous road trip.

Libra: You’re feeling as social as ever, but it’s time to get productive. Don’t worry, happy hour will still be there at the end of the work day. ‘Cuz let’s be real, the money isn’t gonna make itself.  

Libra should ask Santa for: a promotion.


Scorpio: The changes you've been making here and there are really starting to show. It might seem like it's all just luck today, but it’s YOU behind the scenes of your own life. Give yourself the credit you deserve.

Scorpio should ask Santa for: a massage.