Ladies, Here's How You Can Become The Tinderella Of His Dreams

YOU might be the reason why you can't find any Tinder lovin'!

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When you were a little girl and you watched all those Disney fantasy movies, did you ever hear Cinderella say any of the things some of you say on Tinder?

Did Cinderella rant and rave negatively about men?

I can't imagine you'd see anything on Cinderella's Tinder profile like, "No hookups. No clingers. If you don't contact me, I won't contact you. No Mama's boys."

It's amazing how in the world of Tinder dating, just a few words can tell a man he's about to meet another ball-buster of a woman, when the positive thoughts  Are you my princess in waiting? Are you my Tinderella? — fade away.


Cinderella is warm, sweet, and approachable and her dazzling personality lets her beauty shine through, so any man can see she is an absolute "swipe right".

In our swipe right obsessed world, we still want to believe that love exists and that not all women are bitter and angry with men from their past.

But your anger really comes through on your Tinder profile.

Just a few words show so much frustration and bitterness. Dating is a strain for everyone — the endless texting back and forth, he constant wondering whether it's going to work out and the awkward first dates.

Dating is a flaky thing to begin with, but we're not going to change it by putting a whole bundle of rules into place.


Your profile on Tinder is there to entice a man.

It's meant to show you off as the positive, amazing woman he's been looking for. But so many women take this moment on Tinder to lash out at all the frustration they have about meeting men.

There's nothing wrong with complaining when you're with friends. If you want to vent about men, wait until you're with all your friends on a Friday night.

If you're dipping into the swipe right world of Tinder, you need to believe in the power of love.

You need to open. You need to write nice things. Every man wants to find their Tinderella.

There's a chance you could be my Tinderella when I see you and I think, Wow, what a positive, happy looking woman.


We all want to meet someone positive, because most of us have come from relationships riddled with negativity.

No matter how hurt or angry you are about the past, Tinder is not the place to vent. When you vent, all you're going to do is attract Mr. A-hole. Mr. A-hole is friends with Mr. One Night Stand and these boys don't mind what you're like as a person because they're only interested in having sex with you.

Change the way you do things on Tinder if you want to meet the right kind of man!


If you want to avoid some of the other "attraction killing" mistakes women make with men, check out my free video here, How To Speak Man.