3 Ways To Ditch The Junk Food And Focus On Being Healthy

How To Refocus On Your Goal Of Being Healthy And Finally Ditch The Junk Food

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Just this morning I busted myself with a mindless munching citation on Whole Foods veggie straws. Seriously people, I just had breakfast. I began to recount this newly increasing trend of ongoing grazing, that had been steadily increasing this week. 

Luckily, I snapped awake while staring into the bag of tri-colored toy like sticks. Inquiring within about what semi-conscious pattern this choice was really expressing? Now I feel excited writing this, to hopefully inspire you out of any discouraging eating patterns that may be going on in your universe. 


Depending on day to day stress and where life is at any moment, it is easy to lean on food for many reasons. My number one go to is overeating for comfort and happiness. Other times snacking for distraction or playing peek-a-boo with sabotage patterns, can also happen.

The secret to releasing any of these slacker habits, is to be willing to acknowledge your sliding into them in the first place and then to follow the steps below. 

Here are a few easy tips to guide your focus back to center so you can make new healthier choices, in the present moment.

 Bust Yourself!  Catch the pre-bite moment and call yourself out, especially when a one time splurge becomes an ongoing trend. If you are noticing weight gain, low energy or emotional imbalance, then it is worth evaluating what new supports you could bring in to improve your diet and overall self care habits. Once you are honest with yourself and really acknowledge what you are doing, only then will you have real momentum to change.


2  Really Choosing Change …  There is no 'try' in diet. You either choose to get into a new program, increase self-care, add a new fitness class (or any other major steps) that set you up for a healthy success plan, or you spiral down further. The longer you slack, the more work to get to center. Keep choosing positive change until you reach your target.

3  Losing with Benefits  Setting yourself up for any healthy goal tends to work better when you have positive incentives in place. Especially when you are hungry from eating less.

Being able to stay enticed by scrumptious new healthier benefits that can keep you on track. One example could be for every 5 pounds you lose, you get to book an hour massage.

Or for every week you stay sugar free you get a 100. towards a shopping spree. When you are taking away familiar pleasant tastes and replacing them with pleasurable experiences then you optimize your chances for success.


As for me, I just got back from stocking up on enough new local fresh organic fruits and veggies to create several raw vegan meals this week. Just focusing in and choosing to get clear in myself, has already shifted my energy and body in a positive way. Now what are you going to choose? 

As a professional wellness coach & holistic medium, Cathleen guides clients around the world into greater body-mind balance. See how a LIFE SESSION can support your goals. Or sign up for a FREE 2015 Energy Upgrade mp3 @ www.holisticmedium.com

All text copyrighted Cathleen Miller Holistic MediumTM 2015
