Love Bytes: 13 Things You Should Never (EVER) Say To A Guy

Plus, a condom seller released a state-by-state comparison of the size of well, just guess...

Love & Sex Advice: Things You Should Never (Ever) Say To A Guy

We've all been guilty of a little accidental oversharing on a first date, but TMI does exist in even the happiest, most committed relationships. I think it goes without saying that you certain topics like self-hygiene are best left alone, but you'll be surprised to hear the one-liners on this list you should never (I repeat, never) say to the guy you love. (College Candy)

Wondering if your man is pyschopath? We'd like to assume that he isn't, but isn't it nice to know for certain? Check out this list of clear signs. (The Stir)


This is the one beauty trick you'll want to try for all of those holiday parties this season. (xoVain)

Plus, try this festive holiday mani! (SheFinds)

Ever wonder how your home state compares to other states under the belt? A condom seller by the name of Condomania just released state-by-state rankings when it comes to (you guessed it) penis size. We feel kinda bad for Mississippi ...  (Huffington Post Weird News)

They polled guys on what they think of our winter fashion (puffy coats, infinity scarves, headbands, etc.) and the consensus is they basically don't care if we freeze to death on date night. (SheFinds)


Since Paul Walker's untimely death, a lot of people are questioning the age difference between the actor and his girlfriend Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell. So does age matter or is it just a number? (Cupid's Pulse)

10 biggest sex scandals in sports history. Remember the Minnesota Vikings' sex cruise? Or Max Mosley's nazi orgy? If not, allow us to remind you. (Guyism)

Did you know that kissing someone is more sanitary than shaking hands with them? Or that the three things pregnant women dream most of during their first trimester are frogs, worms and potted plants? Crazy right? Here are some other little-known health facts. (The Chive)

What would you give up for a flashy new sports car? One guy is willing to give up one testicle. Oh, by the way, it's a Nissan 370Z worth $35,000. Not exactly shooting for the moon, are we buddy? (TruTV)


We turn into absolute mush over a good, heartwarming love story between cute animals. And we just couldn't contain ourselves when we heard about this one between a giant Saint Bernard and a litter of stray kittens. (Huffington Post Good News)

Or, if your partner's a bibliophile, this is definitely a gift they will appreciate. (HiConsumption)

Because we know that "sperm-shaped" novelty gifts are obviously on your wishlist this year ... this is the gift guide for you! (Blisstree)

Speaking of stocking stuffers, is Tyson Beckford wrapped up in a bow and delivered to my doorstep too much to ask for this year? (Essence)

How do you know if he doesn't like you? Here's how. (Gurl)


Breakups are the worst. But at least one divorced woman feels your pain. She literally quantified the effects of her recent divorce with a series of charts, graphs and spreadsheets. (The Frisky)

This is seriously unsettling. A woman possibly predicted her own death by posting this ominous status on Facebook before she was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. (The Gloss)

You might be missing some serious red flags. Watch this video for the signs to know if someone could be the love of your life or bad news. (Cupid's Pulse)

This month, Ron Burgundy comes back in a big way. If your partner is a fan of Anchorman and getting psyched for the sequel, they will love these gifts! (HiConsumption)


Why is that guy being so flaky, you ask? Here's some advice you need to hear. (A New Mode)

9 of the coolest snack foods with booze in them. At your next double date, try these absinthe pops together! (Guyism)

How do you go from "booty call" status to Facebook official? Is it even possible? (A New Mode)


One woman tries to regrow her eyebrows using Rogaine and ... well ... it doesn't end well for her. (The Gloss)

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