Video Shows Woman Kicked Off Plane For Refusing To Sit Next To 'Crying' Baby
She certainly paid the price.

A flight attendant reportedly took action against an unruly woman who was throwing a tantrum about having to sit beside a baby.
A TikTok user shared a video of the incident, which appears to have been originally recorded in 2018, and uploaded it to the platform on June 1. The video has amassed over 3 million likes and 16,000 comments.
In the video, the woman refuses to sit beside a 'crying' baby.
The video shows the woman affirming her refusal to sit next to the child while another woman, presumably the baby’s mother, tries to assure her that the crying would not last the entire duration of the flight.
A flight attendant then breaks up the conversation and offers to put the woman on the next flight. The woman then refuses because she is traveling for work, so the flight attendant tells her to take her seat.
The woman then tries to get the flight attendant fired.
The woman asks the flight attendant for her name, to which she responds with Tabitha. She then threatens to report Tabitha and make her lose her employment.
“Thank you Tabitha,” the woman said. “You may not have a job tomorrow.”
Tabitha then says she wants the woman off the flight, and then she starts backpedaling. She tries to persuade Tabitha to let her stay on, but the flight attendant refuses to back down.
“I’m not screaming,” the woman said. “I’ll be quiet now. Please, OK, I’m sorry, I was really stressed out.”
The woman lost her job instead.
The TikTok concludes by showing a staff list for the New York State Council of the Arts, where the woman supposedly worked. The video shows that her name is no longer on the council’s site, indicating that she lost her job.
“Now Perez’s [the woman] name and image have been removed from the council’s official website, and she’s been placed on a leave of absence,” someone said in the video.
Many viewers commented their thoughts on the situation, with most of them being humorous jabs at the woman or praise to Tabitha.
“Narrator: but Tabitha DID have a job tomorrow,” one commenter said.
TikTok users also defended the infant, noting that the woman's behavior was rude to the mother of the child who likely had enough to worry about without having to deal with a stranger's bad attitude.
“I didn’t hear the baby crying, I heard her crying,” a second said.
“Somebody’s job is in jeopardy but it’s not Tabitha’s,” a third said.
Others took a more introspective approach to commenting, calling on people to ponder on how they react to children on public transport.
“People are so wild,” a fourth said. “Babies can fly. Babies act like babies… but so many of these adults act like babies too.”
“People are so cruel to mothers who travel with their children,” a fifth said. “It’s amazing. Sometimes you don’t have a choice to fly with kids, it’s not fun.”
Jonathan Alfano is a writer who focuses on news and entertainment topics. Follow him on Twitter to keep up with his content.