Little Girl Labelled 'Ungrateful' After Throwing A Tantrum When She Got A Suitcase For Christmas
The little one didn't know any better.

Christmas for a parent can be stressful.
Coming up with the perfect gift for your children, hoping they will like it, and making sure everything is all in line- the holidays are never easy.
One mom painstakingly ensured a surprise of a lifetime would hopefully pay off while her children opened up their Christmas presents.
But unfortunately, it didn’t quite work out as she planned.
The little girl is being called 'ungrateful' for her reaction to getting a suitcase for Christmas.
The children first opened what seemed like a regular suitcase but inside was an announcement that the two were going to Disney World.
The video was posted by the mother of the two girls, Angela Hare (mrsangelahare).
The video starts off innocent enough.
The two girls excitedly rip off the wrapping paper, giggling while Hare and her husband egg them on to continue.
However, things take a drastic turn when the smaller child notices that she and her sister got what appear to be suitcases.
Immediately, she begins to cry and whine, saying things like, “No, I wanted toy ones.”
She kicks the box, screaming while Hare’s husband watches with the oldest daughter not exactly sure what to do.
Hare attempts to remedy the situation by encouraging her to “look inside” the suitcases; but the youngest refuses, still upset.
The video continues with Hare encouraging the oldest daughter to continue opening up the suitcase and look inside.
The gifts inside all hint at a Disney theme.
The oldest opens the suitcase, pulling out Disney-themed t-shirts while the youngest looks on in curiosity.
One notable thing is while her sister exclaims about the other presents within the suitcase, the youngest yells at her father to “let her see” what was inside, whining while she opens and throws the t-shirts around.
However, the biggest surprise was revealed on the bottom with a heartfelt note from the two parents announcing they were all going to Disney World.
The oldest is excited, giddy, and realizes the point of the suitcase and t-shirt saying it all makes sense now- all while the little one confusedly continues to open the gifts.
The comments were split on the youngest child’s reaction.
Many comments made jokes about the situation, saying things like how they should leave her behind and that the trip wasn’t going to be “magical” with her there.
“We're all going to Disney World except the little one lol,” one user commented.
“Olivia, we are going to Disney World while your sister is staying with Grandma and Grandpa,” another commented.
Others praised the oldest daughter for her “poise” and expressed their sentiments for the parents for having to deal with such a problem child.
“This made me sad for their Dad,” one user said. “[The oldest] was such a good sport. The little one needs to be taught what Christmas is really about.”
But in defense of the smaller child, she didn’t know any better.
As other users have pointed out, she's just a kid and having an elaborate gift that involves guessing and delayed satisfaction might not be the best choice for her.
"I don't understand why y'all here are so mean to an [obviously] young child that didn't understand the idea," wrote an empathetic user.
Others shared reactions via video, such as this user who criticized the parents for posting the video and begged commenters to be kind.
As a child, you want material goods and expect them; they don’t have impulse control and while the parents shouldn’t reward that kind of behavior, it’s important to recognize that they’re also just kids.
Victoria Soliz is a writer with YourTango who covers news and entertainment content. Her work explores pop culture trends, film and TV, and celebrity news