Bride Gives Speech At Her Wedding Saying 'I Wanna Thank Me' For Doing All The Work & Not Rejecting Her Husband
She's the only one who needed to be thanked!

Wedding speeches are a time to be sentimental, maybe tell jokes and anecdotes that thoroughly embarrass both the bride and groom.
However, one bride decided to keep things light for her wedding speech, and hilariously joked that she was the only person who needed to be thanked during the ceremony.
During her wedding speech, the bride told guests 'I wanna thank me.'
In a TikTok video, which has boasted over 5 million views, the bride is seen holding a microphone, delivering the last thirty seconds of her speech.
"And last but not least," she says, addressing the room of wedding guests and her husband. "I wanna thank me."
Just then, the beat from the song 'Still D.R.E' by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg begins playing over the speakers and the bride suddenly pulls out a pair of sunglasses and puts them on.
Everyone in the crowd begins clapping and cheering while her husband looks on in amusement, a smile on his face as he watches his wife speak.
"I wanna thank me for believing in me. I wanna thank me for doing all this hard work," she continued, pointing at the reception hall and indicating that she was mostly responsible for putting together the wedding.
"I wanna thank me for being a giver, for trying to give more than I received. I wanna thank me for never quitting."
And lastly, the bride thanked herself for "being me at all times."
While the speech was well-received by guests and her husband alike, the speech itself isn't original.
The same words were originally spoken by Snoop Dogg in November 2018 while accepting his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Southern California.
The hilarious speech instantly went viral and has been parodied by many people since, including the bride who felt the rapper's words resonated enough with her to include in her wedding speech.
TikTok users took to the comments to praise the bride and her hilarious speech.
"BOOM!!!!! Now THAT is how you give a wedding speech!!!!!!! EPIC!" one user wrote.
Another user added, "The best ending to a speech ever. Why did I not think of this on my wedding day."
"I want to thank her for giving this speech," a third user chimed in.
Other users pointed out her husband appeared to be stuck between disbelief and amusement throughout his wife's speech.
"You left that man straight up speechless," a fourth user joked.
Another wrote, "Dude looks so nervous," while another commenter echoed that same sentiment, writing, "[He] was [shaken] to his core, didn't know this side of her."
Nia Tipton is a writer living in Brooklyn. She covers pop culture, social justice issues, and trending topics. Keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter.