Babysitter Reveals The 'Awkward' Text She Received From The Parents After She Ordered Her Own Food
The real reason they were upset with her…

Nannying is an incredibly important position that helps hundreds of families every year, providing in-home childcare and support to families with full time jobs or any number of other situations.
It isn’t always the most rewarding job in the world, but in some nannies’ experience, however, it isn’t always the kids that make the work difficult, but the parents. Between high, strange demands, low pay, or general disrespect, working with a nanny family can be a risk that doesn’t always pay off in the end.
When one babysitter received a sudden message from the parents, she feared the worst.
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One babysitter revealed the 'awkward' text the parents sent her.
@maiyam18, whose real name is Maiya, works as a nanny and regularly posts Tik Toks about her experiences and day-to-day life in the job.
Like many jobs, she has had her fair share of ups and downs, great days and hard days, frustrating employers and incredible ones. Maiya is transparent about her passion for children, but also about some common struggles of her career.
It’s not uncommon for families to undervalue or underpay their nannies, and many people will argue that working as a nanny doesn’t even count as a “real job” despite the long hours, high stress, and high demand of the position.
From cooking meals to cleaning, to taking kids to and from school, helping with any events that might fall under their hours, the list goes on and on. For some like Maiya, it is an incredibly rewarding job that she doesn’t regret dedicating her life to, but that doesn’t always make it easy!
This week, Maiya posted to Tik Tok that she had discovered that the family she babysits for was “upset”, and then shared screenshots of the surprising messages that explained the reason behind it.
“Maiya, why the heck did you order food/drinks for yourself and not tell me!” The mom of the family wrote, in a tone that implied she had caught her babysitter doing something wrong.
However, she then quickly followed the statement up by insisting that she reimburse Maiya for her purchase: “We don’t want you paying for anything, much less when you’re taking care of our kids!!!!”
“I know it seems semi-awkward,” the mom reassured, “but we want you to feel taken care of, and always want you to tell us if you want anything!”
The mom also insisted that her offer could be applied to anything that Maiya might want, saying: “Starbucks, a steak, whatever.”
Photo: TikTok
Photo: TikTok
Emotional, Maiya captioned the video with “I wish all parents were like this one.”
Hundreds of other nannies raced to her comments to share their support, congratulating Maiya on finding such a sweet nanny family, and sharing similar stories that lead to incredible, life-long relationships.
“That’s the kind of employer that becomes family,” one user commented. “And before you know it you’re going to graduation b/c you stayed close even after u weren’t the nanny.”
Others are sharing their own experiences growing close to their nanny families, talking about how much it means to get to see those kids grow and thrive.
Still other commenters represent the families who rely on babysitters. Many of them are emotionally sharing their affection for Maiya and for the awesome people in their own lives that they trust with their children.
“You’re loving our most precious part of our world! Of course we want to get your Starbucks.”
“This is me!! I appreciate whoever watches my babies! It’s so hard to find someone trustworthy [nowadays] that when we do we really take care of them!”
For Maiya, and hopefully for more nannies, this sweet interaction won’t be the last one, and babysitters all across the country will get to feel how important they are to the families they work with.
Hawthorn Martin is a news and entertainment writer living in Texas. They focus on social justice, pop culture, and human interest stories.