12 Tiny Things Men Find Irresistibly Attractive In Women
What gets men to look twice.

What is it that makes a woman attractive to men? Is it the way she smells? The way she walks into a room? Or how she goes above and beyond for a guy, willing to be completely selfless for the man she loves and the wellbeing of their relationship?
We asked a group of men to tell us what they think it is that makes a woman attractive.
Their candid responses included an eclectic mixture of womanly charms and physical traits — including some we were expecting, and some we weren't.
Here are 12 tiny hings men find irresistibly attractive in women:
1. Men love the way a woman smells
"I love how women smell. It's this amazing combination of shampoo, perfume, and whatever girly soap/body wash stuff you guys use in the shower. Women smell amazing almost all of the time." — Andrew, 22
2. Men find it attractive when a woman is maternal
"I love how women have maternal instincts. They're so much more warm and caring than my male friends." — Brian, 32
3. Men love how women of all shapes and sizes look in bikinis
"One word: Bikinis! All women just look so good in them, no matter how out-of-shape you think you look or feel." — Mark, 31
4. Men find it attractive when a woman is a good listener
"I'd much rather talk to a female friend when I have a super-huge emotional problem to solve. I get the sense they listen more than any of my guy friends and offer so much better insight." — Alex, 24
Photo: cottonbro studio/Pexels
5. Men find it attractive when a woman is good at expressing herself
"Sometimes you think we don't care because we don't sit there like your girlfriends and chat with you about how happy we are to have met you, but that isn't the case. A lot of guys have a hard time expressing themselves. Some of you ladies take it for granted how easily words come to you. I'm jealous." — Omar, 35
6. Men love the way women make such cozy little spoons
"A woman's body just fits so perfectly into yours at night. Spooning is so underrated." — Aaron, 37
7. Men find it attractive when women aren't afraid to cry or be emotional
"Sometimes I'm envious of how women feel more free to show their range of emotions. Sometimes men want to cry or talk about how grumpy they feel, but we often swallow it up instead because we think we have to act macho. It's exhausting." — Will, 23
8. Men find it attractive when a woman has curves
"A woman's body has so much personality! God, just watching a woman walk down the street is so much more interesting than watching a man. It's all in the hips. Women's bodies are just so beautiful." — Jason, 27
9. Men find it attractive when women wear high heels
"Nothing makes a woman's legs look better than a pair of high heels. We all love them, even when they make you a few inches taller than us." — Frederic, 27
10. Men find it attractive when a woman gets comfortable and casual around them
"We like it when you're dressed to the nines for a night out as much as the next person, but there's something super attractive when you're dressed down with no makeup. Bonus point if you're sweating and in your gym clothes." — Darryl, 40
11. Men are attracted to a woman's softness
"Women are always so soft. I love their stomachs and resting my head on them." — Andrew, 22
12. Men find it attractive when a woman cooks for them
"Oh, and if you cook for us, we'll love you forever." — Brian, 32
Melissa Noble is a freelance writer and blogger who writes about love, relationships, and trending news stories.