3 Tiny Habits That Magnetically Attract Him To You
Make flirting more fun.

Here's exactly what should focus on to attract your man. You'll have him begging you to jump into your arms.
Here are 3 tiny habits that magnetically attract him to you:
1. Appeal to his eyes
I'm not going to beat around the bush and pretend we live in some perfect, morally and politically correct society. We don't. So with that in mind, guys are turned on by what they see. So if you're going on a first date or just wanting to keep your current love life interesting, make sure you understand this and make sure you understand the ways you can capitalize on it.
Pexels / KoolShooters
2. Learn how to walk the walk
How you walk and more importantly how you move can attract a guy. If you move slowly, and with deliberate movements, then you can flirt with your man and show off your feminine charm. So the next time you're hanging out with your man, try to focus on slowing down your movements. Examples include when you are taking a drink of your coffee, wine, beer, or whatever you're drinking when you're walking towards or away from him, and when you're touching him.
Think about what's going to attract a guy more: rapidly touching and grabbing him, or being slower, smoother, and more sensual in your touch? The answer is obvious. The way you move is that it works best if you don't think about it too much. If all you think about is how you move every second you spend with a guy, you will end up feeling weird and insecure, and it won't help much. Instead, just try focusing on how you move for a few minutes and note the reaction from your man.
Pexels / Leeloo The First
3. Use a little suggestive talk
One of the biggest attractions for guys is what you say to him. Of course having fun, joking around, connecting, and just having regular conversations are important to get closer to a guy. Here are the basics of what you need to know about using suggestive talk to attract him to you:
- The less explicit you are, the more you will attract him. You don't need to overdo it and be overtly direct; even just a hint or a suggestion is a more powerful way to flirt without coming on too strong.
- Text messages are super powerful and easier than you think. The advice in the above point stands. Emojis are fine to use, but again, everything in moderation. Use his response to your text flirtation to form a rhythm; the best text banter is like a tennis match — back-and-forth, back-and-forth, back-and-forth. Make sure not to monopolize the conversation.