Men Go Wild For Women Who Send These 13 Little Texts
These texts will get him to flirt with you ASAP.

So you’ve met this great guy and now the two of you are dating. He's hot and you both have a blast when you're together. The chemistry is good and he seems interested, but communicating through text messages can leave you feeling confused at times about where things are going, especially regarding whether or not he's falling in love and may be thinking about making this a boyfriend-girlfriend type of relationship.
If you're wondering how to get a guy to like you and maybe even how to say "I love you" without putting him under too much pressure, there are lots of cute things to say to your boyfriend in texts that will let him know you're digging him and get you more time one-on-one time together.
Of course, everyone responds to texting differently, but human nature is human nature, and there are some great approaches that almost universally appeal to men.
Before we get started with specific texting examples, please remember you must be genuine to yourself.
Nothing kills a budding romance faster than phony flattery and insincere interest.
In other words, cupcakes, don’t pretend to love sports if you don’t know the difference between a hockey puck and a basketball. There’s nothing worse than a fake. He’ll spot that a mile away. Trust me, that will circle real quick and bite you in the tush.
So what works with men?
Here are 13 sweet texts men go wild for:
In the beginning ...
Everyone enjoys getting genuine compliments from someone they're dating, so here are three sweet texts to try sending when things are still fresh.
1. “Just wanted to tell you what a great time I had the other night."
2. “Did I mention you looked hot in that black T-shirt!?"
3. “Still thinking of how amazing you looked in that suit!”
After a few dates ...
Most men (and women, of course) want to feel needed and love it when you trust them enough to ask for their help.
4. “Hey, my brother has a problem with his new motorcycle sounding like a diesel truck. I know you're really into bikes and wondered if you could give me the name of a mechanic you trust in his area.”
5. “Hey, a group of us is going to the (_____). Would love to have you join us if you're free!"
6. “Our company is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a picnic next weekend and I'd love it if you would be my 'plus one'.”
7. “Heading over to the dog park with Buffy soon. Want to grab Yoda and join us?”
8. “A few of us are hitting the trail on Saturday. How about meeting us at the trailhead?”
Inviting him to join you and a group of others at something like a pool party, trivia night at a sports bar, game night with friends, or any event involving something you're both interested in takes the pressure off and allows him to relax.
Photo: KoolShooters/Pexels
A bonus to this approach is that your friends will get a chance to check him out in social settings and give you some valuable feedback on what they observe.
Once things have started heating up ...
When you're past the innocent flirting stage, you can move on to less subtle messages and tell him he gets your motor running!
9. “Just thought you'd like to know I was thinking of you.”
10. “I didn't sleep much last night after that kiss. Whew!”
11. “Hey you. Missing that tight black T-shirt of yours … and that body underneath.”
12. “Thought you'd like to know all my friends thought you were hot the other night!”
13. “FYI, my brother is jealous of your abs!”
Remember: keep it honest, keep it real, and don't bite off more than you can chew.
If you barely know this guy, you don't want to invite him over late at night only to find out later that he's Quasimodo's cousin on a bad day.
Stay appropriate about where you both are with the relationship.
If you've only met him once or twice, it's too much to start talking about love marriage, and the baby carriage. The key is to keep the pressure low.
Now you know some really sweet texts to send a guy and say "I love you" without too much pressure. Get out your phone and get this party started!
Susan K. Edwards is an author, psychic medium, speaker, Reiki master, energy healer, and accomplished author of seven published books.