Psychology Says There Are 10 High-IQ Behaviors People Are Attracted To, No Matter What
Being attractive is in your mind and behavior.

People are beautiful beings. Everything from their variety of shapes to their diversity in form and how they carry themselves differently, we all are alluring, trust me. But I will admit there are some things you can do to exceed being appreciated and take you over the edge.
These aren't grand gestures, just small, high IQ behaviors that attract other people, whether you realize it does or not.
Here are the high-IQ behaviors everyone's attracted to:
1. They have a passion for something
It's captivating to see someone love something with a deep passion. Whether the passion is for work, a hobby, or a worthy cause, it doesn't matter. Being passionate shows you're a romantic and want something more. Especially since a single-income household is a thing of the past, this trait is super hot.
For instance, my girlfriend is passionate about many things, and her passions further attract me to her. She's vegan and her passion for animals is nothing short of inspiring. How she eats a plate of vegetables while I'm mowing down on a gourmet burger across the table, I'll never know. She's also an incredible baker and bakes whenever she has free time.
So, she's managed to turn her art degree into a baking career. She's the head baker at one of the biggest bakeries in our city, because her employers saw the passion in her, and rewarded her for it.
2. They are decisive
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It seems like nobody's decisive these days. Even if the question is merely, "What should we have for dinner?" The question's usually met with an indecisive response, like: "I don't care, you decide" or "Whatever you feel like." Neither of these are actual answers, meaning they aren't helpful.
Someone who can make decisions shows a certain assertiveness, which goes hand in hand with confidence, as explored by studies in the Psychological Assessment Journal. Everyone appreciates confidence in a partner.
3. They get along well with others
Nothing makes someone feel more confident in their relationship than knowing they can confidently leave their partner at a party of friends and family, and their partner can hold their own without social assistance. The last thing anyone needs is a human bracelet who wants to go home 15 minutes into the party they agreed to attend.
4. They know the power of touch
People love touch, especially when the touch is an indication of protection or support. People love knowing others feel safe and protected with them, and studies in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships showed how physical touch helps authentically illustrate this fact.
Whether you gently grip the arm and take hold of a hand, rub shoulders for no reason, or rest your head under their arms before bed, these all enforce the idea someone has made you feel safe and secure, and feeling safe is as good as gold.
5. They make others feel useful
If they can't lift something or figure out a spreadsheet, they ask. Everybody likes to feel useful even in the smallest of ways. People don't ask for help because they are weak, but because they are strong — or at least they want to be told they are. Do you see where I'm going with this? Ask someone else to open the jar.
6. They can switch roles
Sure, one person might initiate intimacy most of the time in a relationship, but if they can switch things up and play the reverse role, their lover is not going to hate it, I assure you.
Studies in Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin discussed how it's nice to feel desired by another person, and what better way to do so than to initiate an intimate encounter? Because we all need love!
7. They are appreciative
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Everyone wants to feel appreciated. So, if you grabbed your partner a coffee before work and brought it home when they woke up on their day off, they text to say thank you if not more.
They understand doing nice things for each other is part of being in a relationship, and they know it is important to give credit where credit is due. It doesn't take much effort.
8. They are supportive
When they do something they don't like because their partner loves it, it shows how much they care about their partner and the relationship. This is considerate and should be reciprocated.
9. They get along with your parents
They are supposed to like the in-laws, but do they? Even if they don't love the in-laws, any effort they put in with their partner's folks is a turn-on, as suggested by studies in The Journal of Marriage and Family. Parents are important to most people, so any effort will ultimately be rewarded.
Helping the in-laws by chopping vegetables before dinner, setting the table, or merely visiting with them is incredibly attractive because the person is making an effort, but more importantly, they are spending time with two of the most influential people in their partner's life.
10. Your dog loves them
As it goes with any pet lover, these critters are considered a part of the family. And just as important as the in-laws' opinion of a partner, so is their pet's.
If the dog starts treating them like family, it reinforces the idea they are a good person, because most animal lovers believe animals are fantastic judges of character.
Bobby Box is a writer and frequent contributor to PopSugar.