French Woman Falls In Love With Robot And Plans To Marry It
In case Tinder doesn't work out for you.

Just as all of you single people out there decided that dating these days is impossible, things just got a whole lot worse.
There is some new competition in town and they don’t have any of the emotional baggage, extra weight around the tummy, or questionable history that you do.
Better make sure you keep an eye on your partner because there's a new threat to watch out for.
Robots. We are talking about robots. The thought of an A.I. coming in and stealing your boyfriend may seem silly, but with virtual porn and sex robots actually, on the market, the whole idea is becoming way too real.
Better make sure your boyfriend doesn't follow any of those bots on Instagram.
This woman fell in love with a robot and plans to marry it
In fact, in 2016, a woman in France came out to say that she is in love with a robot named InMoovator, who she 3D printed herself.
According to her Twitter page, Lilly says, "I'm a proud robosexual... we don't hurt anybody, we are just happy."
There really is someone out there for everyone.
Credit: Twitter
Recently, she opened up about their engagement after living with the robot for a year and is waiting for robot-human marriage to become legal in France. And while many of you may be rolling your eyes at this law ever passing, the truth is that it’s not so far off. Love is love, truly.
In fact, at a conference in London, Dr. Levy, author of Love and Sex With Robots, said that marriage to robots could be legal by 2050. That could happen in our lifetime!
Lilly revealed that she first became attracted to robots at the age of 19 because she realized that she was not physically attracted to humans. "I’m really only attracted by the robots," she said. I hear you sister, real men are horrible enough.
While she has dated humans before, Lilly says that they were only learning experiences that have led her to understand her dislike for human affection. Maybe this girl just needs to learn how to be by herself for a while.
Credit: Twitter
"My only two relationships have confirmed my love orientation because I dislike really physical contact with human flesh."
She claims to be completely happy with her relationship and will continue to live her alternative lifestyle, training to be a roboticist and waiting to legally marry her love. I cannot wait to see the little freaks those two can make.
So, don't feel bad if you haven't met your person; the technology just doesn't exist yet.
Shannon Ullman is a writer who focuses on travel and adventure, women's health, pop culture, and relationships. Her work has appeared in Huffington Post, MSN, and Matador Network.