I Broke Up With My Boyfriend Via Text And I Don't Regret It
He didn't respect me, so I stopped respecting the relationship.
![I Broke Up With My Boyfriend Via Text And I Don’t Regret It girl on phone in dark](/sites/default/files/image_blog/i-broke-up-with-my-boyfriend-via-text-dont-regret-it.jpg)
By Skylar Jones
There is a Taylor Swift song called "The Moment I Knew."
She sings about being at a party, with all her friends around, but the one person who she wants to be there isn’t. Obviously, this is her beau.
This happened to me last Saturday; I had a big competition and my boyfriend wasn’t there. He could have made it happen, but he choose not to
This was a tough pill to swallow because I have given so much up for this sport. I have given up weekends, social events, and money.
He knows how big of a deal this is to me.
Even though he made a snide comment on it not being a big deal because I “didn’t ride for a while.”
I won first place! I had never had that happen before; I was so excited. I saw the prize — a shiny, beautiful headstall (the part of the bridle that goes around the horse's head) — and I won it!
I was so excited I video-chatted with him, and he didn’t even seem happy for me. He just said, “I don’t know what that is."
I tried to brush it off.
As I got home, he was supposed to come and celebrate with me.
After pulling in, I got a text that said he had been drinking and wasn’t going to make it.
Apparently, I’m not worth a $10 Uber.
I was so upset. He knew how big of a deal this was to me, and he choose to get wasted with his buddies over spending one of the biggest nights of my life with me.
The next morning I called him crying about how much he had hurt me. He responded by saying he would come over and talk.
I waited an hour; he called me telling me he wanted to take a break.
I asked him why he didn’t just come over and tell me in person? He then responded that it was too much of a drive... it’s literally a 15-minute drive.
So, I said I’m not worth a 15-minute drive? He told me I made him feel like s*** and he was going to hang up the phone.
Since he stopped answering my calls, and wouldn’t come over, I honestly didn’t know the last time I was going to see him.
I had to text him that we needed to break up because I wasn’t a priority.
We had some breakups before, but it wasn’t until this happened that I realized I didn’t want to be with him, the strong attachment that kept me coming back for two years was gone.
His name on the phone didn’t make my heart race, his charming words didn’t make me want to hear more, and at that moment, I realized I was going to be OK.
Skylar Jones is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to Unwritten. Her work has been featured in The Gospel Coalition and Carson Now, among others.