If You Eat This Fruit Before Drinking, You'll Never Have A Hangover
Eating this fruit will help you have a good night, and not regret it the next morning.

You're about to get your drink on. Well, you're an adult and it's a bachelor party/wedding/Saturday night. You enjoy imbibing from time to time but you don't enjoy having a hangover the next day.
Hangovers usually involve a combination of headache, upset stomach, thirst, food aversion, nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, and an overall feeling of not doing good. You'd like to avoid this if at all possible.
What you normally do is drink a lot of water and take two aspirin before you go to bed. You've also heard that drinking ginger or peppermint tea will help with post-drinking stomach issues, coffee can help with headaches, and asparagus can protect the body from booze.
Nutritionist Alyssa Cellini told Medical Daily that eating bananas and pretzels is a good way to go about helping to cure a hangover because they prevent further dehydration.
"Both salt and potassium are electrolytes, that hold onto water to decrease dehydration,” she told Medical Daily. “Adding in natural electrolytes that ALSO come with carbohydrates (which are depleted during the liver-detoxing) will make for one less step to feeling better.”
You could ingest all that ... or you could just ingest Asian pears before you begin drinking. In an article in Elite Daily, scientists at Australia's CSIRO say that eating pears before you drink your weight in alcohol can majorly reduce your potential hangover.
CSIRO says, "As well as finding that pears lower cholesterol, relieve constipation and have anti-inflammatory effects, it also appears they can ward off hangover and lower blood alcohol levels."
"Overall hangover severity, as measured by a 14-item hangover symptom scale, was significantly reduced in the pear group compared to those having a placebo drink, with the most pronounced effect seen on the specific symptom of 'trouble concentrating.'"
Now, don't go stocking up on Bosc, Red Anjou, or Comice pears. CSIRO research director Manny Noakes says, "At present, studies have only investigated the Korean (or Asian) pear, which has long been a traditional remedy for alcohol hangover. So far the effect has been seen from consuming 220 ml of Korean pear juice, although consumption of whole pears may produce a similar effect."
Another benefit of consuming an Asian pear before consuming massive quantities of alcohol? It helps reduce memory loss, so you'll be able to remember all the embarrassing things you did while you were blitzed out of your mind, although maybe one of the few benefits of a hangover is the fact that you don't get to remember what happened the night before.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and frequent contributor to YourTango. She's had articles featured in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Woman's Day, among many others.