How You Can Train Your Brain To Be Blissfully Happy In Seconds
Here's a challenge for ya ...

That's right, we now know the favorable formula for this sought-after state of bliss. According to the Mayo Clinic, happiness is out there for everyone — once they adopt the "my glass is half full" mentality.
Can negative people actually do that?
You bet! According to Shawn Achor, you'll be much more optimistic and find happiness by doing five simple (positive) tasks each day for 21 days.
He suggests: Adopting a grateful heart, taking two-minute meditation breaks, performing short bursts of exercise, participating in random acts of kindness, and reliving one positive experience through the art of journaling.
Repetition is the secret to success
Just like the athletes that practice improving their skills, you too can make yourself happier by retraining your brain through repetition. If Achor's list seems daunting, simply choose one task to do for 21 days — even THAT will improve your mood.
Is brain training real?
Yep. When someone says that you can train your brain, what they're REALLY describing is how to create new neurological pathways. Wait, neuro—what?
Let me explain it this way, think back to the last time that you went sledding. The first, second, or even third time down the run was slow, bumpy, and not as fun as those final trips you made down the hill before you called it a day.
That's because it took you going down the same lane several times to smooth down the bumps and create a fast track to the bottom.
The new way of thinking
The first few trips down the hill are essentially what you're doing when you force your brain to think in a new way. In the beginning, it seems impossible, like you will never get a fast sledding track. But the more you do it, the faster it becomes.
That's exactly what you do when you continually choose to change your negative perspective into a positive one. You create deeper grooves in your brain so that positive thoughts begin to flow faster and more naturally.
That means that you can start to see things in a positive light. For example, when someone cuts you off in traffic instead of cursing the driver's existence you'll seamlessly think, "That poor [insert profane word of choice] is late for something," with a smile on your face.
Don't knock it 'til you try it
Take the challenge! After all, it's only 21 days — that's less than a month. Start to change your brain one positive thought at a time (and become a happier, more optimistic you).
Jessica Miller is the author How To Start A Mental Health Private Practice. Her Youtube channel, Super Living has more relationship tips.