Work-From-Home Dad Snapped At His Pregnant Wife On Bedrest After She Disrupted His Work Meeting
After two months of constant demands, he had had enough.

Carrying and delivering a baby is no easy feat. It becomes infinitely more complicated when one is placed on bedrest.
One woman faced this situation when pregnant with her second child. Her husband tried to help but found himself getting overwhelmed by it all.
A husband snapped at his wife after he felt her demands while pregnant and on bedrest got too extreme.
A man explained on Reddit that he and his wife were preparing for the arrival of their second child, but it had been a rough pregnancy for them both.
“She’s having a high-risk pregnancy, so she’s bedridden,” he said. “She’s been bedridden for two months now.”
While his wife’s situation is unfortunate, this man is lucky enough to work from home himself.
“I have a remote job with incredibly flexible hours, so I’ve been taking care of my wife, my toddler, the house, and my job during this time,” he explained.
To top off all of the responsibilities he has taken on, this husband has to do even more to be there for his wife.
“Lately, my wife is getting more needy,” he stated. “She asks for things that are too time-consuming, or asks for things that are just distractions … I asked her to let me work because lately, I hadn’t been filling my eight hours a day quota because of all the things she asks me to do, plus my job, plus cooking, plus taking care of the kid.”
As his family and household responsibilities have piled up, this man is finding it increasingly difficult to focus on work. That’s why he made a specific request for his wife.
“Today, I had a meeting. It was important, and I asked her to please [not] bother me during the meeting, but somehow, she managed to generate a short circuit that fried the bedroom TV, panicked, and made my kid panic and started bleeding from the stress,” he continued.
“I had to call the meeting short and got reprimanded at my job,” he lamented. “Had to check what else got damaged, calm down my kid, and clean up my wife.”
That was when the husband and father simply lost it.
“I’m the sole bread-earner at the house, and money is tight,” he said. “I got stressed about losing our main source of income, and I snapped at her. I asked her what the [expletive] was her problem and why did she [need] to make my life so hard.”
His wife decided she had had enough, so she called her parents and had them come pick her up. They were angry at him too.
“I understand that pregnancy is hard, and high-risk pregnancy is harder, but I just asked for one hour not to be bothered. Was that too much to ask?” he questioned.
There are two sides to this situation to consider.
On the one hand, bedrest can be extremely stressful. In fact, the Mayo Clinic listed stress as one of the health concerns related to being on bedrest.
They consider “stress due to self-blame, child care issues, and concerns about job loss or finances” to be a side effect of bed rest.
So, really, there’s a chance that this man’s wife is just as worried about his job as he is.
This also means that the mother should be treated with empathy and grace. She is going through a lot right now. She is worried about her own health and her baby’s, while also feeling concerned that the normal day-to-day tasks she takes care of will not be met.
Meanwhile, her husband is also going through a lot by trying to step in and fill her shoes while maintaining his professional responsibilities.
No one has it easy here, and there is no one answer to who’s right and who’s wrong. Instead of lashing out, however, this couple should take the time to talk out their concerns and share the burden with each other. That's what being in a loving marriage is all about.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.