Woman Accuses Widowed Dad Of Being 'Selfish' For Not Taking Her Along On His Annual Father-Daughter Trip

"I’ve talked to my daughter about it, and she said she would rather it be just us two."

Father and daughter on annual trip Zivica Kerkez / Shutterstock

When you lose a parent, especially at a young age, the grief can feel insurmountable. You must keep living your life, as difficult and painful as it is. However, you can also make an effort to honor your late parent and keep their memory alive.

That's exactly what one dad on Reddit is trying to do for his 16-year-old daughter whose mother passed away. However, his new girlfriend is upset that she's not included in their commemorative tradition.  


The girlfriend accused the dad and widow of being 'selfish' for not taking her along on his annual father-daughter trip.

In his Reddit post, the 38-year-old man explained that he and his teenage daughter have been going on their father-daughter trip since she was born, and since her mother passed away, they've continued the tradition. "We go to the same place during the same two weeks," he explained.

It's something the pair looks forward to every year — time spent alone together in memory of his late wife. 

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Last year, before the trip, he spoke to his girlfriend and explained that it would only be him and his daughter going on the 2-week getaway, to which she had no qualms. This year, however, was a different story. 

"When I booked it this year, I assumed she would be fine with it again as she had said she would be," he wrote. "However, when I told her that I’d booked it, she completely freaked out, saying that I was entitled and selfish for not taking her as well."

"I’ve tried to explain to her that this is a very personal event for me and my daughter but she doesn’t seem to listen and keeps on telling me to book her tickets as well," he continued. "I’ve talked to my daughter about it, and she’s said she would rather it be just us two."

The dad tried to convey that this annual trip was more than just a vacation — it was a sacred bond between him and his daughter, a tradition that held deep sentimental value. He never meant the lack of an invitation to be malicious, but despite his attempts to explain, his girlfriend couldn't understand the significance of the trip. 


Teenage daughter hugging her father Halfpoint | Shutterstock

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He clarified that in any other circumstance, he would've gladly brought his girlfriend along on a vacation with him and his daughter. In fact, he updated his post to note that he had already taken his daughter and girlfriend on holiday this year.


He's clearly not trying to be nefarious and forbid his girlfriend from being a part of their lives, but rather trying to preserve the memory of his daughter's mother. Instead of being understanding, his girlfriend attempted to turn it into a point of contention, which is far from fair.

Commenters agreed that the dad wasn't wrong for refusing to invite his girlfriend on their annual trip.

"This trip is for you and your daughter to connect and remember not only your late wife but your daughter's mother," one Redditor wrote. "You are her only parent left and I'm sure she needs this as much as or more than you." 

"These trips may naturally change as your daughter goes off to college, becomes an adult, or finds her own partner, but I think you should not be the one to change them," they continued. "She needs to be able to depend on you."

"This trip is something between you and your daughter and in honor of her departed mother," another commenter added. "It's completely reasonable that you would maintain that without involvement of [your girlfriend]. Thank you for putting your daughter's needs before [your girlfriend's]."


"Your priority should be honoring the tradition you and your daughter share, especially if she wants it to remain just the two of you. Communicate openly with your girlfriend about how important this trip is for you and your daughter and how it helps you both remember her mother. Make it clear that you want to continue this tradition without changing its dynamic," a third user suggested.

At the end of the day, his girlfriend should respect the heartwarming tradition that this father and his daughter hold dear instead of feeling threatened or that she's purposefully being excluded when that's obviously not the case. 

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.