26 Tips For Giving A Blowjob That Will Make Him Forget He's EVER Had One Before
You can thank us later.

If you’re not trying new tricks and tips when giving your man a blowjob, you can be sure he’ll eventually get bored and your sex life won’t be too far behind.
If you want to know how to give oral sex that will impress him with sensations he’s never felt before, try these 26 blow job tips and tricks:
1. Learn to love going down on him.
It’s true that many guys act like all they want is sex, but what they really want (whether they realize it or not) is the feelings sex gives them. Sex gives us feelings of connection and love. It makes us feel special, like the one guy your body aches for and just can’t get enough of.
At the most primal level, we also want to be the owner of the one penis you ache for and can’t get enough of.
When you love his penis and show it with oral sex, you feed his soul and give him what he wants at the deepest level of his brain.
2. Fake it until you love it.
Until you love it, make him think you do.
Make it seem as if you’re getting just as much (if not more) pleasure from giving him oral sex than he gets from receiving it. Again, you don’t want to come off as the girl who loves giving blowjobs. You want to come off as the girl who loves giving HIM blow jobs.
3. Initiate oral sex.
If he always has to hint at it or ask for a blow job, is he going to feel like you love it? Of course not! So initiate it and surprise him with unexpected blowjobs when he least expects it ... Trust me, he won’t complain.
4. Turn yourself on first.
Since you’re going to initiate, you know when it’s gonna go down, so spend some time turning yourself on first. Read a steamy novel and masturbate before he gets home or while he’s in the shower.
Get yourself worked up and aching for him, and your passion and enthusiasm will skyrocket automatically.
5. Have fun!
Nothing turns a guy off more than a serious “I’m doing a job here” bj face. Wink at him while he’s deep in your throat. Laugh with him, tease him and be playful.
6. Role play and/or dress up.
Dressing up in a costume or style other than what you’re used to will feed his need for variety. Guys are wired to be stimulated by visual variety. It’s why we can’t help looking at other women. So feed this need by dressing up and pretending to be someone else for a night instead of letting him ‘look’ elsewhere.
7. Look sexy.
Again, men get turned on by what we see, so ask him what he thinks makes you look hottest. It might be some fancy lingerie, a specific pair of underwear you have or it might be his football jersey. Also, find out what kind of makeup he likes seeing on you most. If you want him completely focused on you and looking at you during a bj, give him something spicy to look at!
Make your blowjob the best he’s ever received ... and hottest he’s ever seen.
8. Use the right blowjob positions.
The position you choose can also give him something incredibly hot to look at — or it can make him want to close his eyes.
9. Use a mirror.
One of the hottest ways to tease your guy and make a blowjob enticingly visual is to use a mirror. Get on your knees in front of one so he can check you out from behind. If you have a smaller mirror that isn’t attached to a wall, place it on the floor between your legs and squat over it to give him a mesmerizing under view.
10. Smile.
The most skilled blowjob in the world can be completely ruined by a sour face. Showing him you love it with a genuine smile can turn a good bj into one that’ll have him daydreaming about you for weeks.
11. Smile with your eyes.
When we smile, our eyes squint. Notice it the next time you’re in front of a mirror and look for what I’m talking about. Practice your ‘smiling eyes’ without actually using your mouth so that you can feed his ego while he’s in your mouth.
12. Turn off your mind.
Practicing yoga and meditation helps clear your mind when you’re stressed or exerting physical energy. To give a truly great blow job, clear your mind and focus only on the feeling of him against your tongue and lips. Focus on the sexual energy connecting your mouth to him.
DO NOT THINK. Do not question what you’re doing or whether he’s enjoying it. Keep all of your attention on what your mouth feels.
13. If you must think, choose positive thoughts.
Saying “don’t worry” is good advice, but it’s not always easy, so if thoughts start filling up your mind, make them positive. Be your own cheerleader. Notice when he twitches and remind yourself that YOU'RE the one doing this to him. It’s you who’s making him feel completely lost in euphoria.
If he’s usually quiet during a bj, tell yourself that your technique is so good he’s speechless.
14. Moan and hum.
These noises let him know you enjoy it while also creating vibrating sensations that will have him buzzing! It’s also a great way to start expressing yourself if you’re not yet comfortable talking dirty.
15. Use your hands more.
There are so many ways to use your hands during a bj, yet most women only use a handful (at most.)
Try squeezing him on the top and bottom of his shaft with your thumb and one finger simultaneously. Place your hands on his hips or legs and pull him closer towards you. Tug his balls away from his body when he comes, making his semen have to travel further and his orgasm last longer.
Use all the ‘tools’ at your disposal to multiply the pleasure of your bj's.
16. Use your teeth.
Yeah, I know. Most advice tells you that using your teeth is the ultimate bj sin. The truth is that a little nibbling tease every once in a while can be very titillating. It can cause him to tense his erection in anticipation (and a little fear), which stimulates blood flow and makes him harder and more aroused.
Just don’t overdo this one.
17. Remove one of his senses.
Remove his sense of sight by blindfolding him to increase what he feels. Handcuff him to the bedpost or fridge handle to remove his sense of touch. Take away one of his senses and the others will become much stronger!
18. Let him take control once in a while.
Make sure you trust him and agree on a signal you can use when you need him to stop. Then tell him that he’s in control and that he should move to his liking. If you pay attention, you’ll also learn A LOT about what he likes most.
19. Raise the roof.
The roof of your mouth (or soft palate) has a rigid texture. Rub the tip of his penis against this area for a bumpy effect that will drive him wild and make him cum in no time!
20. Get messy.
Don’t be afraid to get a little messy with your saliva. Let it run down your chin and get on your cheeks. It’s incredibly hot to know that you’re having so much fun you don’t mind being a little dirty. ;)
21. Push the limits of his prostate.
A lot of guys will cringe the second you mention anything to do with near the anus, but it’s where some of his most sensitive nerves are. Cup his testicles with your hand and use one or two fingers to press against and massage the spot between his balls and anus. This will stimulate his prostate from the outside and give him delicious sensations he’s most likely never felt before.
Be careful ... it might open his mind a little and get him willing to try other fantasies you might have.
22. Learn to deep throat.
Not only do men LOVE to be deep throated, but the enormous amount of nerve endings on our lips, tongue and inside our mouth can make it euphorically pleasurable for the giver as well. The problem is that there’s so much misinformation about the topic it can be easy to get frustrated and give up.
23. When he climaxes, keep on stimulating.
Some of the worst blowjobs I’ve ever received were from women who stopped the second I started to orgasm. If you don’t want his semen in your mouth, fine, but don’t ever fully stop stimulating him at the first sight of semen.
Most guys will need you to slow down dramatically (because orgasm makes him much more sensitive), but don’t ever stop suddenly and completely.
24. Learn to love swallowing.
His “seed” is his ultimate contribution to the world. He has a deep instinctive NEED to “give it away” and if you refuse to accept it or if you act like it's gross, you’re rejecting the very essence of his masculinity. Diet plays a MAJOR role in the taste and texture of semen so you might want to get your guy to consider improving his diet.
P.S. Your diet also affects your taste.
25. Practice.
As a bisexual man who’s given and received more blow jobs than most gay adult actors, I can teach you all the tips, tricks, and secrets to giving your guy the best head of his life, but they won’t do you much good if you don’t use them.
So practice. Make a decision that you're going to practice and give better head every single time.
26. Learn his preferences and adapt.
This is the core of the perfect blow job formula I teach. You need to find out what the best blow job is in the opinion of YOUR guy.
One simple way is to play a dirty discovery game. Tell him you’re going to try different tricks and techniques on him and that he needs to give you a number from 1 to 10 letting you know how good a specific technique feels.
After just one ‘game,’ you’ll know how to blow his mind better than 99% of the women he’s ever been with!
The tips and tricks in this article are fun to try out and will improve your blowjobs dramatically.
Nick Hardwick is a sex expert. To learn more about how to give amazing oral sex, visit his site and watch his video.
Make sure you’re the BEST he’s ever had!