How To Help Your Kid Land A Summer Job
Three tips to help your son or daughter find the ideal summer employment opportunity.

Have you sufficiently bored your child with tales of your summer jobs past — peeling potatoes, recycling pop bottles for coins, lifeguard drama or walking bean rows uphill both ways?
Probably, but it's only because you know from experience that the benefits of a summer job far outweigh the paycheck anyone receives.
Here are three ways to help your kid find a great summer job:
1. Beat the crowds.
Even before the spring break tee shirts hit the racks, employers are planning their summer resource needs.
Be the first on the block to drop in and inquire about possible summer employment, and fill out an application.
Dated applications mean you'll be at the front of the line when they start making calls. Have your future wage earner keep a log of all applications so he/she can follow up with each one as the days get warmer.
Starting early is also a good reminder to involve the even younger ones in a summer job. There are plenty of options for them — walking the neighbor's dog, odd jobs, pulling weeds and the ever-popular lemonade stand. Instill a strong work ethic when he/she is young and you all will benefit for a lifetime.
Wouldn't you rather make the basement into a gym someday than "junior's" apartment?
2. See the future.
Young people learn critical lessons at their first jobs, even if they are "just" mowing lawns or washing dishes.
Think long-term. You can't really put a price on your child learning the value of responsibility, respect, time allotment, commitment, saving and spending.
They'll even learn about taxes! You may hear, "Who's this FICA dude that takes money from all my checks?!"
3. Think outside the box.
Get creative with your kids' summer job possibilities. Considering how they view money helps.
Your security seeker wants a job with a steady paycheck — dishwasher, housekeeper, nanny. The reliability of the work is an unspoken benefit to him/her. Not knowing when the next babysitting job may pop up doesn't suit his/her money personality.
For the risk takers in the house, look for a job with variety — camp counselor, tour guide with different people and a variety of questions every day, golf caddy, tutor. Summer is also a great time for risk takers, budding entrepreneurs, to start their own business.
Meanwhile, savers love getting a jump on college savings with a summer job. One with free side benefits is a plus because your saver will appreciate the value of a free meal at the end of his/her shift or the free use of the pool before they clock in.
A strong work ethic in our children is priceless. Start early this year and land the best jobs around.
The Money Couple helps others achieve financial freedom while putting family first. They offer services and resources to bring couples closer together, not only in their marriages, but in their finances as well.