Menless March: The ULTIMATE 30-Day Self-Love Challenge

Can you really go 30 days without men?

Menless March: The ULTIMATE 30-Day Self-Love Challenge getty

If you’re up with the food and health trends, you may have heard of Meatless Mondays. That’s good and all, but here at Never Liked It Anyway we’re proposing a new idea for you all: Menless March.

That’s right. It’s time to give up men and all their complications, just for a month. Basically, this will be a month where you stop wasting time bouncing from one disastrous date to the next and focus on doing cool, fun, and genuinely interesting stuff… just for you.


The goal is to get yourself so confident, energetic, and red hot that you know how to be happy alone and are ready to tear up a storm come April!

Here are 20 things to try for March — and you have 31 days to get them all done! Easy as pie. You’ve got this!

1. Listen to a new podcast.

Learn something new, laugh, or kickstart a new hobby. Some of our favs are Anna Faris is Unqualified, My Favorite MurderStuff You Should Knowand Welcome to Nightvale.

2. Re-vamp your wardrobe.

Get rid of the clutter in your current closet by tossing items you haven’t worn in the past year. Get donating, or sell it on Never Liked It Anyway (of course). It’s the perfect excuse to fill that closet back up with some good newbies. Make sure you get some bell sleeves in there.


3. Take a spontaneous weekend trip!

A road trip or last minute flight deal found online, pack that suitcase, book the hotel and get traveling!

4. Go to a concert.

Do it the same night you take your spontaneous trip and for a band you’ve never heard of. Last minute ticket sale deals are always the best. Plus, it might make you have to try out some new music you didn’t think you’d like before.


You can always check out the bands on Spotify before you buy, but it might be even more fun if you don’t.

5. Make a pump-up playlist and share it with your friends.


Maybe it’s to pump you up to workout, bake, write, garden, or just for good ol’ jamming out at home.

6. Collect pins, patches, or stickers.


Collect new ones, resurrect the long lost ones, and even make some of your own. Someone you know is bound to have a pin maker lying around, or drop $30 and treat yourself to a brand new one just for you! 

7. Learn how to do a new hairstyle or makeup look.

Learn by watching Youtube tutorials made by someone half your age — and actually perfect it. Hey, if Youtube existed while we were teens we can pretend we would have done the same.

8. Sign up for a race.

There are Mud Runs, Color Runs, Zombie, Murder Mystery Runs… you name it, you can run from it! Have something to look forward to and training for once it gets warmer out.

9. Learn to cook a signature meal


Don't just watch reruns of Chopped while perusing Seamless.

10. Jump around!


Try out a trampoline class, dance around your home, take a step class, get chalk and draw some hopscotch on the pavement, or go old school and buy a pogo stick. Whatever way you do it, jumping will get your heart rate pounding!


11. Keep a f*cking gratitude journal.

We all know we should do it. We never do it. Now’s your chance.

12. Adopt a word.

That’s right, there’s a whole bunch of cool words going extinct and they need your help! Pick a perantique word, use it a sentence every day for 31 days, just like a phlyarologist to keep it sospital. Uh-hum.

13. Create your own cocktail.

Maybe it’ll be Pinterest-inspired, maybe it’ll be a concoction you can put together by scraping up the remnants of your liquor cabinet. Either way, give it a signature name and toast to something fabulous!

14. Become a mini-expert.

Pick something really, really obscure, like a wine varietal, a beetle, a forgotten Greek god) and learn 20 things about it. Drop your wisdom on people you meet as much as you can, especially strangers and people you’ve just met.


15. Distress your denim.


Before you drop $300 on jeans that look like they came from the dumpster, try it yourself. Take a pair of jeans, cut them, rip them, bleach them, sandpaper them, razor them and enjoy making a mess of things. Think of it as creative destruction.

16. Take yourself on a date!


Start at a cool funky café, head to a museum, take all the long backroads while blasting your fav jams and end at a hip wine bar for a flat bread pizza and a flight of rosé. We’ll see you there.

17. Redecorate your place.

Buy a book on Feng shui, hire an interior decorator, or channel all those tips you’ve learned from binge-watching HGTV. Get rid of those succulents that were so 2016, and make way for hanging plants, farmhouse style and swatches of deepwater blues.


18. Dance!

Learn Beyonce’s "Reformation" dance move by move and casually drop the sequence when you’re on the dance floor like it’s NBD.

19. Discover a kooky bookstore and peruse the shelves.

Not just your regular Barnes and Noble. Find a bookstore with character that looks like it’ll probably shut down next week. Pick a book at random and see what you learn.

20. Laugh it off!



Head to a comedy show, open mic night, or improv. Make sure you leave home. Netflix and chill doesn’t count.

Now off you go! Get ready to challenge yourself and have tons of fun in the process. We promise it’ll be way more fun than yet another lame first date because that’s what Menless March is all about.

And when April does roll around, you’ll be so fired up and fabulous and actually excited to date again.