15 Tiny Tips For Being A Woman A Man Will Never Leave

Do these things, and he'll never think about leaving.

Woman knows tips that makes her man never want to leave. Julia Pavaliuk | Canva

Every relationship we have — even if it does not end in marital bliss — is a learning experience. Through trial and error, I have discovered what it takes to be a fantastic girlfriend. For some men, straying is in their genes, and you really can't do anything about it, nor should you try. If he is the unfaithful type, let him go. As for the others, who may exhibit a glimmer of hope or simply have a commitment in their DNA, the following reminders may be useful.


Here are 15 tiny tips for being a woman a man will never leave:

1. Remember: It's a man's nature to look

Don't go psycho just because you see him looking or talking to another female. Remember, it is in a man's nature to look. If he doesn't touch you and you don't get jealous, it will keep him wanting you more. He will then work harder to keep your relationship going. Same thing with nagging. When you continuously nag it will only annoy him more and then the nagging can turn into resentment. If you ask him to do something for you, do it once and then be patient. The screaming approach has never worked.    


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2. Avoid "fatal attraction" calling

Calling him over and over makes it look like you have nothing else going on in your life and thus are more needy than independent. Also, don't stalk him on any social media sites. That never goes down well either.

3. Let him see his friends

Don't turn it into a fight when he wants to go out with his friends. Instead, embrace it. Give him something to remember you before he leaves and then tell him to have a wonderful time.


4. Remember: Food is the way to a man's heart

You do not have to be a gourmet chef, but if you have a few exciting recipes in your repertoire, then you will look even better. This is especially useful when he has his friends around. Give them their guy time and make food. If cooking is not your thing, have a great array of take-away menus at your disposal.

5. Stock your fridge with beer

Never run out of beer when he comes to see you. A mediocre girlfriend will go out and buy beer once he comes over, but a fantastic girlfriend will have the beer already waiting. 

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6. Keep making the effort

Even if you two have been together for a year, don't start dressing like a slob and all of a sudden put on an abundance of weight. Of course, women can tend to yo-yo, especially after the holidays, but if you gain too much — as superficial as it sounds — he is not going to be happy. Try to maintain the way you were when you met him. Or better yourself because you are so happy to be with this man that you love to look good for him. Dress up at least once in a while. He will be pleasantly surprised and turned on!


7. Appreciate his effort

Never assume or expect. If his gestures aren't up to your standards, remember those are your expectations and not his. If he brings you a dozen roses but you prefer tulips, be gracious in the moment. Find another time to let him know what your flower of choice is. 

8. Respect his time

There are times when a man comes home in a bad mood and does not want to talk. Do not push him. Simply ask if anything is wrong. If he says he is fine and just wants to watch football, leave him be. When he wants to talk he will and all you have to do is listen.  

9. Wake up with a smile

Men love a positive woman they can wake up to in the morning with the glass being half full instead of half empty. What will score you more points is to let him lie in while you make breakfast or serve him coffee in bed. 

being a woman a man will never leave Pexels / Adrianna CA


10. Remember: Intimacy is important

I could not talk about my experience in dating without bringing up the intimate part, too. Intimacy is not the most important of a relationship, but it sure can be important. When your relationship is comfortable, you do not need to be shy in the sack. Be comfortable with your body. He loves you for the way you are and doesn't want to date anyone else. Keep the lights on and don't hide your bulge if you have one. You are feminine.

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11. Keep him on his toes with surprises

You can leave a sweet note in his jacket or under his pillow. Maybe you know he has a hard day ahead and you order his favorite take-out to be sent to his work.

12. Motivate your man

Your enthusiasm and passion to drive him to fulfill his goals will make him realize that not only are you independent but also someone he wants to wake up to every day.


13. Learn his language

When he's thirsty, he's thirsty. When he says "yes" he means "yes" and not "no." When he says he's hungry, well you better get some food in his stomach soon. Also, note men don't like to walk around when they are hungry looking for a restaurant as we women will do.

14. Do not try to change him

Trying to create this ideal image of the perfect man is not only going to create a strain not only on you but also on him. He is who he is. Take it or leave it.

15. Don't get sloppy drunk and out of control

As fun, as you may have with your friends at times, being completely trashed isn't a great look. The benefit of being a fantastic girlfriend is you can teach by example. If your boyfriend is loving and caring, he will reciprocate your actions and be a fantastic boyfriend, too. 


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Kimberly James is a dating expert who has been involved in the event marketing and dating industry for 15 years.

Telina McCord has always had a passion for exploring, analyzing, and reporting on human relationships. She wrote her entire master's thesis on The Evolution of Dating and became The Girl Who Dated 30 Guys in 30 Days.