11 Strong Woman Quotes (For When You're Feeling Anything But Fierce)

Inspire your best self.

Strong Woman Quotes (For When You're Feeling Anything But Fierce) YourTango

Having been a divorce lawyer for 13 years, I've seen my fair share of pain, self-doubt, and crisis. Sometimes, the hurdles we face can feel overwhelming and paralyzing.

Balancing home and work is hard enough. Add in a struggling relationship, an unreasonable boss, or a challenging child — we are stretched thin.

Fortunately, through my new online divorce platform, I also have the opportunity to support courageous women in their journey from breakup to breakthrough.


I decided to take a break from my usual (legal) articles and put together a list of the most popular motivational and inspirational quotes our users live by in honor of Women's History Month

Here are 11 strong woman quotes for when you're not feeling fierce at all...but you are:


1. Your flaws are your beauty.

"Flawed and (still) worthy." Cleo Wade

The Japanese art of Kintsugi involves using gold to repair broken pottery. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object's history. Your flaws add to your interest, uniqueness, and beauty. Celebrate them!

2. No one is perfect.


"You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going." Marie Forleo

For those days when you feel less than inspired. Keep moving forward. Success is about action, not perfection.

3. You are strong enough.

"...and here you are living despite it all." Rupi Kaur

The queen herself! Life is about using your obstacles as an opportunity for growth. Let's be grateful for life and the resiliency that keeps us moving forward, even when it feels impossible.



4. Self-love is key.

"You. Not wanting me. Was the beginning of me wanting myself. Thank you." Nayyirah Waheed

#Truth. Breakups are hard but the best revenge is putting your time into #selflove instead of making it about the ex. 


5. Breathe.


"We all have different reasons for forgetting to breathe." Andrea Gibson

Right ladies? Breath is our lifeline. When we pause and relax our shoulders, slow our breath, and unclench our jaws — anything is possible. 

RELATED: Why The Strongest Women Don't Allow A Man To Consume Them

6. Vulnerability is strength.


"Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered." Hplyrikz

There are so many people who believe that it's one or the other —  softness or strength. The truth is the ability to go through life without turning cold is not a weakness, it's your superpower.

7. Life is unpredictable.


"My entire life can be described in one sentence. It didn't go as planned and that's OK." Rachel Wolchin

What if we allowed ourselves the gift of surrender? Not knowing where we go next and being OK with that. We don't have to have all the answers — we just need to be open to fresh possibilities and a new chapter in our journey.

8. The end is the beginning.


"Whenever you think it's the end, it's probably just the start of something else." Jen Gotch

I live by #wwjd. The "j" is @jengotch. I mean come on, right?

9. Be kind to yourself.

"It's okay. You just forgot who you are. Welcome back." Me


Let's be a little kinder to ourselves. We all lose our way every so often. What's important is — you're back and I'd like to say hello and hear a little about what you've got planned for yourself!

10. Focus on you.

"The biggest lesson I've learned is to prepare for the long haul, the rise and fall, and let neither define your sense of self." Karen Young


Ups and downs will come. Focus on being you. You can make every moment yours. You're worthy!

11. You can.

"I said I could and I would and I did." @iamthatgirl

When was the last time you made a list of all the stuff you've accomplished? I bet you'd surprise yourself. What would it be like to just be kind to yourself today? Replace those self-judging thoughts with self-love and affirmation. You are exactly where you're supposed to be. 


RELATED: Strong Women Don't Have 'Attitudes' — We Have Standards

Erin Levine is the Founder & CEO of Hello Divorce, a ‘Modern Break Up Service’ that offers a fresh, streamlined and less institutional (read: more humane) way to separate.