The Secret World Of Yoni Lesbian Massage (That's Making Straight Women Gay)

(Plus, the 5 most commonly asked questions.)

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After many requests sent in by women looking to try a feminine or lesbian massage for the first time, I thought it’s about time we covered this topic.

I will try to include some helpful information based on how I've helped my clients with their journey and helped them overcome any fears or doubts when considering a female tantric massage.

Here are the top 5 questions commonly asked about the lesbian yoni massage, I hope it helps clear a few things up:


1. What is a lesbian or yoni tantric massage?


It seems the earliest record of lesbian tantra dates back to the 5th Century AD. It is described as a ritual by which you liberate or separate the two aspects of consciousness and female divine body.

These days I’ve seen it referred to as a Yoni massage in some places. Modern tantric masseuses say it is a massage that stimulates total undoubted release of the body and mind between a female masseuse, and her female client.


So let’s be clear here, this is a tantric massage given to one female by another female. The emphasis being on the physical, mental, and spiritual connection between the two ladies.

One female client, VickyShh, at Karma Tantric, the London-based tantric massage agency I work for, gave a great description in one of the reviews she left after a tantric lesbian massage session: "A session of feminine discovery and erotic pleasure in authentic magical tantric energy."

2. Is it strictly for lesbian women?



I get asked this many times from my girl friends as well as many potential lesbian massage first timers. We live in a world with so many variations of sexual preference, so it’s not unusual to change sexual preference, or at least try new things to see if they work for you.

Many ladies who have female tantric massages are not lesbians, or may not even consider themselves bisexual at all. It seems that girls tend to be more sexually adventurous with their own gender than men are.

I think what’s important here is that no matter what your sexual classification, a female tantric massage is something many women get satisfaction from and have the right to do so. It’s your particular sexual desire, and you should feel free to explore it in whichever environment you deem fit.

Many of us are highly stressed, overworked women who need a little private release in our lives. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


3. How do I know I will feel comfortable? It’s my first time doing this.


If your own inner sexual desire is curiously looking into female tantric massage, then it’s safe to say there's a subconscious interest there. We very rarely dislike the things we crave passionately. After all, if you like the idea of it, you will probably love the real physical and erotically enchanting touch of another female.


Of course if on the rare occasion you begin a lesbian massage session that you are not completely comfortable to carry on with, it's at your discretion to stop at any point.

In the 8 years I have been actively involved in tantric therapy in the UK and across Europe, I have seldom heard of a lady leaving a massage because she was not enjoying the experience. So the option is there if you need it.

4. What’s my next step?



There are a range of tantric masseuses available on the market as well as many agencies who will organize a tantric massage booking for you in London and across the world.

I obviously work closely with Karma Tantric here in the UK, as I feel that they provide a premier service and well-trained set of females who really know how to perform a lesbian tantric massage well.

If you would like to find out more about potentially booking a female tantric massage session, take a look here, where you will find answers to frequently asked questions, and some more information to help you book the right female massage.