7 Things People Who’ve Lost Their Parents REALLY Want You To Know
Losing a parent is a tragedy for any age.

According to the Ecology Global Network, there is an average of 6,316 deaths every hour. This accounts for approximately two deaths every second. They also report that the average worldwide life expectancy is 67 years of age.
The Children's Grief Awareness Day Foundation reports that 20 percent of all children experienced the loss of someone close to them by the age of 18. They also report that 5 percent of children younger than 15 have lost one or both of their parents.
Furthermore, approximately 1.5 million children have lost one parent to death and are currently living with a single-parent.
Losing one or both parents can be a tragedy for any individual, especially when they are still at a very young age.
It is reported that more than 50 percent of individuals who have lost a parent would be willing to offer one entire year of their life up if they could spend just one day with their departed mother or father.
Also, 69 percent of people within the United States who have lost a parent at a young age report that they still think about the departed parent on a frequent basis.
When a friend or someone you know loses one or both of their parents, it can be a very difficult time for them.
Being there to offer support can provide some level of comfort to them, but you can't fully understand the grief and pain they are going through without experiencing it yourself.
For this reason, it's important to consider how they are feeling in order to determine how you can help. Here are 7 things people who lost their parents to death want you to know. This will help you learn how to help someone after the death of a parent and understand their feelings and emotions a little better:
1. Appreciate your parents while you can.
Death can happen at any time. It can even happy to the healthiest of us. You don't know when your parents are going to die, so make sure you appreciate them while you can.
Do not delay that visit you are planning or the call you are planning to make. Take action and create memories with your parents while they are alive.
2. Tell your parents you love them as often as possible.
We live in a busy world and can often forget to tell our parents we love them. Eventually, we just assume they know this.
In reality, they do know that you love them, but the sentiment of telling them that you love them means a lot to them.
3. Don't try to understand our pain.
If you haven't lost a parent, you can't understand how it feels. People who have lost a parent go through different stages of grief and pain. They can also be very emotional due to this.
Being there for support is a great help, but don't try to understand exactly how they feel if you haven't lost a parent yourself.
4. We want you to be a great listener.
While it's impossible to understand the pain that comes with losing a parent if you still have both of yours, being a great listener can be of great help to the person in grief.
Make sure the person in grief knows you are there for them, even if they just want to talk. Talking often provides a great relief for the person who is grieving. You don't have to keep up a conversion.
Just listen to them and make sure they know you are there.
5. Holidays are tough on us.
Christmas, birthdays and many other holidays are shared with your loved ones, including your parents. During these times, we all come together to reminisce about the old times and laugh about the good times.
Losing a parent makes the holiday tough and sad. Be understanding when the person who is grieving takes a moment of silence to think about their departed mother or father.
6. Please be patient and understanding with us.
When a close friend loses one or both of their parents, it causes a great amount of grief. They will often feel alone, especially when memories of their lost parent comes to mind.
During these times, the person in grief might be very quiet and might even detach from friends and family. Be understanding and patient and never push emotions out of them.
7. We all deal with loss in our own way.
Every person on this planet is unique, even when some of us share similar qualities. It's important to understand that this also means every person will deal with the loss of a parent in their own way.
If the person in grief prefers to be alone at home, then respect their decision. If their way of grieving is by hanging out with friends, support that decision.
Millions of people die every year. Every person who dies has people who care about them, such as a son or a daughter. Losing a parent is a tough reality that we all have to face.
When someone close to you loses their parent, it is important to be understanding and to be supportive. By knowing how they feel, you are able to be more respectful in their time of grief.