How Do I Get Him To Kiss Me?

You're seeing this hot guy, but even after a couple of dates he hasn't kissed you. Here's why!

Get Him To Kiss You

So, you're dating a shy boy. (You notice I don't use the term shy man).

You're dating the guy. You've been on a couple of dates. And he's just terrified to kiss you. You start thinking to yourself, "How do I get him to kiss me? What's wrong with me?"

There's nothing wrong with you! There are just some guys out there that are absolutely terrified to initiate any physical contact with a woman. In fact, guys ask me at my seminars all the time, "How do I initiate a kiss with a woman?"


If we went all Hollywood romance and went to the movies, you'd see a man throw the leading lady against a wall, put his mouth to hers and kiss her passionately at just the right moment. That's what you want isn't it? Who doesn't right?

That's the way it's meant to be. Man meets woman, man claims woman, man kisses woman, man shows he's turned on by woman and man becomes man in front of woman.

The problem is so many guys have become wimps. So many men have been over mothered. Some are terrified of rejection. In fact, some of them are just terrified of everything! So sometimes as a woman you have to lay the groundwork to get him to kiss you.


So how do you do it?

Well, men can't resist smell. When you go to the bathroom, whisper in his ear so he can smell you and say, "Hey I'll be right back." Gently kiss his ear while you're there. Give him a sign you're open for a kiss. At the end of the date lean in a little so he knows you're ready for him to kiss you.

The lean in always works because now the guy knows, "Ok, she's leaning in. She wants me to kiss her. It's safe."

You could just plain out look at him and say, "Just kiss me already!"

This may sound a bit simplistic and like you're spoon feeding him, but we all need to be more upfront when it comes to dating. If you're dating a passive boy you're going to have to take control, but you have to be ok with taking on the masculine role in the relationship. If not, he's going to have to man up or lose you.


There's nothing wrong with being a passive man. And some women might find it charming he's not trying to eat your face off the first time you meet. But if you have to keep leading him and keep hinting you want to be kissed, it might be time to tell him to take a walk.

There are plenty of men out there ready and willing to take control and kiss you as you want to be kissed. A beautiful, sexy woman shouldn't have to ask the question, "How do I get him to kiss me?"

For more dating advice and a free video on how to understand "man talk" visit my site at


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