Love, Self

Why You Shouldn't Drink & Text

Why You Shouldn't Drink & Text

We've either gotten them or sent them ... some of them are funny and some of them are just down right annoying! So, when is enough enough, especially when you are dating someone?

I am talking about the drunk text. Sure, some of them are hilarious like if they are from one of your girl friends and they are telling you about a date they are on that there was no hope for so they decided to get smashed. And being the great friend that you are they wanted to include you! 5 Ways The iPhone 4 Will Change Your Relationship

You should feel lucky when it comes from your friends, but when it's from a potential love match or boyfriend, that's when things become a little bit tricky. Of course age comes into play with this; if you are in your low twenties, then this will happen more often than not. But, if you are closer to thirty or over thirty, that is when you start to scratch your head and think, "Really?" 

Over the years, I have gotten plenty of drunk texts and have laughed at most of them. However, as I get older I am not laughing that much anymore. My last few drunk texts have been from some of my best guy friends telling me that they liked me as more than a friend. Now I know people can be shy, but if you like someone you should be able to say it sober and without a drunk text message that says, "I am drunk weeeeeee by the way I like you weeeee." And yes this is the exact text message that was sent to me once. The 20 'Golden Rules' Of Using Technology Wisely In A Relationship

Another thing with drunk texting is that you have that alcohol courage helping you out. So not only have you sent that oh so important text message to declare your undying affection, but you have also sent a billion other text messages in a row that are pointless gibberish. And that will start to annoy anyone who is on the receiving end especially sober people. So because of all the other messages, the most important message you wanted to get across is lost on that person, because they are too busy counting how many text messages you have sent in one hour. 

So the moral of the story ladies and gentleman is if you are drinking, please ask yourself over and over, if you really want to send that text message because once it is sent, you can not take it back! Also, sending too many messages to someone gives that person an impression of you that may not be accurate. And lets be honest here no one wants to be thought of as an obsessive compulsive person; especially, if that person doesn't know you that well. They probably won't want to get to know the real you any time in the near future after one night of drunk texting! Twitter Flirting Rules [VIDEO]

Christy Goldstein, a dating coach and a dating expert, can help you with all of your dating needs. Christy's blunt personality helps you move quicker through the dating scene. She can help you with your dating profile, your dating checklists, red flags and more! Contact her at

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