3 Ways You Can Have ME TIME When Life Gets You Busy

Stop making excuse and start having more ME TIME.


How many excuses do you have to not let yourself have quality time everyday?

Not a post yoga class three minutes of deep breathing, but a whole day to do anything (or even better NOTHING!).

It is easy to think as soon as I get this never ending deluge of tasks done (which recreates daily BTW). Or “I’m doing okay” and am keeping up so I will get to personal time later. Does later ever come? Often times it is the slow mental and body fatigue leaks we get used to over time that can really take their toll resulting in illness or serious exhaustion.


I see clients daily who have collapsed into adrenal exhaustion or are forced to take a break because of illness or accident all which could have been avoided if they would have paced themselves along the way.

According to Randall Davies, academia.edu study indicated a relationship between self-care strategies and lower levels of burnout.

Here are a few easy ways to improve or if you are new to self care then to begin taking better care of your body, mind and spirit.

1.  COMMIT to regular self-care appointments 3 months out ahead on your calendar pick out what therapy or supportive appointment feels good and book it  for the whole season! Even if it is one appointment per month of an ongoing spa commitment (or trying different styles of energy therapy), booking yourself out can keep you on track for better long term balance.


2. SAY NO to distracting social and office invites that are costing you personal balance. I have lost count of how many times I almost canceled a spa or energy therapy appointment thinking I was “okay.” Yet after going, I realized my mind was in the way and my body was always thrilled with the rejuvenation experience and that I greatly benefited on many levels from going.  

3. Try new services for your constantly changing needs Just like our internet continuously upgrading, our physical and emotional needs are always changing too. Constantly adapting and upgrading your diet, workout routine and coaching support can be the difference between ‘getting by’ or living as your juiciest, sexiest, most blissful you.

American Psychological Associations Jennifer Doran claims that self-care is important, for our own well-being and for the care of our clients. All of our work will be better if we are psychologically and physically healthy.

So no matter if you are practicing awesome self-care or working non-stop as a borderline droid, it is never too late to start a healthy self care routine.
Cathleen is a Holistic MediumTM Practitioner guiding clients around the world into greater health, relationships and soul success. See how a LIFE SESSION is excellent self care for you. Or sign up for FREE Energy Upgrade mp3 @
