The Mind, Body, & Spirit Method Of Working From Home
Here's how to make the most of working from home.

So, it looks like this working from home thing is here to stay, doesn’t it? Even as offices open back up, many people are being given the option to continue working from home, rather than commuting to the office.
The issue, however, is that many people currently trying to work from home don't have a dedicated space in their homes for working. This can lead to wasting time running back and forth throughout your living spaces getting the little things to make the areas you spend so much time working at nice and cozy.
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The idea is that you need to "cubicle-ize" your home offices.
One of the best ways to do this is what I call the "mind, body, and spirit” method.
Here are 3 steps to successfully working from home using the mind, body, and spirit method.
1. First, you’ve got your mind.
Your mind is used to do all your jobs, both paid and unpaid. For most of us, this will call upon the need for devices.
For example, I work with my laptop and phone simultaneously. Meanwhile, my husband uses a laptop, Chromebook, and phone. Some people need multiple monitors, which require extra space. So, you’ll need to assess your home for flat surfaces.
On top of that, you need to seriously consider how you handle distractions, be they visual or audible. If you can’t handle either (like me), then a room apart from the others in your home — preferably with a door — is essential.
If you can handle the visual distractions, but not the audible (like my husband), then noise-canceling headphones should do the trick.
Either way, look deep into yourself and be honest about who you are and what you need. Remember, if it doesn’t work, you’re back to the office.
2. Next, you’ve got your body.
This body needs a good temperature, fuel, and various degrees of professional appearance and hygiene.
For the temperature part, consider if you’re a "usually hot" or "usually cold" kind of person. If you’re the former, then air conditioning and fans are crucial — as are an extra pair of pants to throw on in case someone comes in the room!
If you’re the latter, then blankets, space heaters, and layers will help.
Fuel is essential to productivity. If the fridge is on the other side of your living space, then eat well before you "go to work" in the morning. Be sure to bring some healthy snacks and extra beverages with you into your "office," too.
It’s the same as when you go to the office, right? If you’re on a roll, you don’t want to have to stop to eat. Plus, your buddy in the cubicle next to yours isn't there to grab something for you while they're out.
When I go to my home office in the mornings, I bring my coffee and tea with me. I also keep granola bars and applesauce pouches in my desk drawer.
That way, if I’m hungry, I don’t have to go upstairs, get distracted by my family and all of their "family things," and end up coming back down three hours later.
As for appearance and hygiene, it all depends on who sees (and smells) you — and how much you really care, anyway.
I, for example, live in yoga pants with my hair in a ponytail all day long. On the rare occasion when I have a live call and want to play the part of someone who has her stuff together, I keep a hat, makeup, and a mirror in my desk drawer so as to fake it convincingly.
All of that said, though, in the end, you do you.
3. Finally, you have your spirit.
The spirit part is where it gets fun, because this is what keeps you going throughout the day. Think: Aesthetics and "warm fuzzies."
For aesthetics, make sure to create an environment that makes you feel productive and happy. Lighting and color are huge, as are decorations and the little things that you keep close by.
If you need natural light to keep your spirits up, then be sure to work in a room with windows. If you hate the color of the walls in the room where you spend your working hours, then do some painting.
If you need reminders of why you work, then put pictures of your kids somewhere nearby. If you like working with your cats around, then put the cat tower close to you and keep treats and catnip in your desk drawer.
Either way, remember that this is all to keep you pants-less for the duration of your career. So, look deep into yourselves and decide what that crazy spirit of yours needs in order to be successful at working from home, instead of commuting to the office.
In the end, friends, it’s all about you and finding the balance between what you can and can’t control.
You may be new to working from home and learning as you go. Several years and decades from now, you’ll surely be able to look back on this and see what stuck and what was just a fad.
My wish for you is that you’re looking back without pants on.
Aubrei Krummert is a certified professional organizer and the owner of Real World Organizing. Aubrei loves working with her clients both on-site and virtually to reduce overwhelm and help them live more peacefully and efficiently. For more information on how she can help you, visit her website.