Why Women Sexually Reject Men

Sexual intimacy and rejection is something no one likes to experience. But here's the reason.

What Women Wish Men Knew About WHY They Reject Them Sexually weheartit

Often, I think the big cosmic joke of humanity is how men and women, in the sexual intimacy department, are designed.

I imagine those in charge saying, "Let’s put these two (man and woman) together on planet earth and let them figure it out. Ha! Ha!"

Sexual intimacy and rejection is something no one likes to experience.

Men’s sexuality is completely different from women’s, so no wonder sexual intimacy and rejection can happen.


I like to think that we are magically complimentary. However, this is only when I am optimistic about the challenges that exist. When it comes to sexual intimacy and rejection, we are dealing with a complex situation.

When discouraged about these differences, I want to use the word "opposite" instead of "complementary". Yet, there is something magical happening here on planet earth regarding sexuality.

I don’t think any one person has all the answers either. These are the mysteries of life and what we are here to learn.

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Sexual intimacy and especially sexual pleasure for women is often a tricky thing. What women wish men knew about why they reject them sexuality is a complex exploration.


However, I would like to discuss three things regarding sexual intimacy and rejection, that I believe are common themes with why women sexually reject men:

1. You're going too fast. 

Women’s sexual response system responds to slower touch. A woman doesn’t want to be grabbed or groped at. Men, if you think you are touching her in a soft way, chances are you could probably touch even softer and even slower.


The main thing about slowing down is not having an agenda. Having sex with a woman is not like going for the goal post. This is not a sports event. This is another human being with a complex nervous system and sexual response system. Awakening a woman’s sexual desire is a process, not a race.

When a woman feels she has to respond in a certain way (and fast) during sexual intimacy it will shut her sexual response system down.

When you are able to slow down (and I mean really slow down), you are giving her the impression that you are not in a hurry. If she is attracted to you, she wants all the time in the world with you. She wants it to last. Slowing down will decrease your odds of being rejected.

2. It takes 72 hours to prepare a woman for sex.


A common thing I hear from women is when getting into bed or waking up, her man wants sex. He seemed to have forgotten about the unresolved argument or the stress she was under because of work.

Sexual intimacy with a woman doesn’t work that way.

If you want to increase your chances, take 3 days to prepare her. Treat her like a queen. Say nice words to her. Tell her how much you appreciate and admire her. Our sex organs are not just between our legs.

You will go a lot further in getting her to say "yes" if you give her warm fuzzies as opposed to cold or room temperature prickly.

In other words, don’t take her for granted. Don’t assume your sexual satisfaction is her "duty". That isn’t fun for you either.


Sincere words of affirmation and appreciation go a long way in getting a woman ready to receive you. Make sure you do that 72 hours before wanting sex with her. If you want sex every day then appreciate her every day.

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3. It is not all about your penis.



When I teach women about sexuality and sexual intimacy, I talk about masculine forms of sexuality and feminine forms of sexuality.

Masculine forms are focused and goal-oriented. Feminine forms are fluid and, well, slower, as mentioned earlier. Masculine forms are physical whereas feminine forms are subtle.

Both men and women can enjoy both masculine and feminine forms of sexual expression. And some women have a very masculine orientation with their sexuality.

However, when it comes to pleasing a woman, don’t make it all about your penis. If your focus is mainly getting it up, getting it in, and getting it off, she will sense that.

You will increase your chance of acceptance if you make other things your focus. Such things as gazing into her eyes, making sure she feels comfortable, tuning into her and finding out what pleases her.


Penises are a wonderful part of male anatomy. They are to be celebrated.

The female counterpart, a woman’s Yoni, is to be celebrated too.

Make sure that when you are approaching a woman sexually, that you don’t make it all about your penis. You will definitely increase your chances drastically of her not rejected you.

Men, we want to celebrate, accept, and never rejected you. Please just slow down, prepare us 72 hours in advance and don’t make it all about your penis. You will find lots more sexual intimacy in your future.

Anna-Thea is an intimacy coach, author, and educator. She loves to teach women more about their bodies and how to create more enhanced sexual intimacy experiences. If this article resonated with you and you would like to find out more about her teachings please visit her website or Leader of Love.


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