Why Self-Care Is Critical For Happiness In Your Life
A solid self-care routine is paramount to making any sort of personal progress and being your best.

You’re headed out to a night with the girls and you ask if you look okay. The resounding response is, “yes, that’s exactly how you look.”
What is truly important is how you feel about the way you look. For some, not even makeup is necessary in feeling great about physical appearance. For others, it takes much more to project a desired image.
Furthermore, a solid self-care foundation is paramount to making any sort of personal progress. How can you bring your best to the world and enjoy your life’s journey and happiness? I believe it is by practicing excellent self-care. And, excellent self-care has two components: feeling good from the outside in, feeling good from the inside out, and a solid self-care foundation is paramount to making any sort of personal progress. How can you bring your best to the world and enjoy your life’s journey? I believe it is by practicing excellent self-care. And, excellent self-care has two components: feeling good from the outside in, and feeling good from the inside out.
First, you must treat yourself as you would your best friend. You must make choices and decisions that honor your soul in everyday life. You must value yourself enough to choose to create your life, rather than be victimized by it.
When we care deeply for ourselves, we naturally begin to care for others — our families, our friends and our greater community — in a healthier and more effective way. We tell the truth. We make choices from love instead of from guilt or obligation. We recognize that we are all connected to one another. We understand that our individual actions affect the greater whole.
Establishing and following a self-care routine for your inner self is one of the best things that you can do to secure your physical and mental health. It can often be done for little or no cost.
Here are some suggestions to take care of your inner self:
- Invoke the power of no to things that do not lead you toward your goals.
- Live and work in a soul-nurturing environment.
- Surround yourself with beauty.
- Spent time in nature.
- Perform work that gives you a chance to fully express your creativity and talent.
- Feed yourself healthy food.
- Engage in daily exercise.
- Meditate on a regular basis and balance silence with activity.
- Get and keep your financial house in order.
- Engage in regular spa visits.
- Continue to feed your mind with quality programs and learning opportunities.
- Nurture yourself and surround yourself with supportive, like-minded and high-energy people. Gather with those who are committed to improving the quality of their lives as well.
Second, as you begin to take care of your inner self, you need to feel great about the way you look, about your image. Not even the most fervent believers in equality or the notion that you cannot judge a book by its cover can reasonably refute the power of appearance.
Moreover, if exercise and lifestyle changes alone won’t change the part of the body about which you feel less than satisfactory, aesthetic options are viable ones. They may increase your confidence and help you feel better about your life. Don’t feel guilty about getting work done if it’s done for the right reasons!
Feeling comfy in your own skin has many benefits. Moreover, these benefits are not assumptions or common sense, but ones that are supported by independent data. For example, studies show that improving your appearance can:
- Raise your general self-confidence.
- Boost your salary by 5 to 10%.
- Make it more likely that you will secure a second interview for a desired job.
- Make it more likely that you will earn a higher starting salary for a new job.
- Improve your ability to be persuasive.
- Improve your credibility.
- Amplify how others perceive your accomplishments.
- Make better first impressions.
- Help you expand your personal and professional networks.
When you take care of both your inner self and your outer self, you have established a solid self-care foundation. Understand both components. Create a solid foundation and move toward greater success in career, relationships and life!