Woman 'Rates' The Bathroom Of The Man She Just Hooked Up With

She saw all the classic signs of a man's bathroom, except for some particularly worrying red flags.

Man getting ready in bathroom Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock

A woman on TikTok uploaded a video from the bathroom of a man she just hooked up with. Once upon a time, it was a popular trend to snoop through the bathroom of a person you were dating to see what was going on and, as such, the woman claimed she went in to “rate” it.

People say that your bedroom says a lot about you, but I’m willing to argue that your bathroom says much more. At least, it sure told this woman everything she needed to know about the relationship status of the man she had just hooked up with.


The woman discovered that the man she hooked up with had a girlfriend, all based on his bathroom.

All of the evidence inside of the man’s bathroom points to him having a girlfriend, but from the beginning, it starts out as a simple test to see how hygienic the man she hooked up with is.

“He has baby wipes to wipe his [butt]. Hygienic, man,” she begins her critique of the man’s bathroom. “First red flag: two [expletive] toothbrushes.”

Why would the man she hooked up with need two toothbrushes? We’re assuming he lives alone, and it’s definitely not hers, so who could it be there for? “Also, his toothbrush is crusty,” she adds, assuming the dirty one was his.




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On a shelf, she finds a bottle of CeraVe SA Smoothing Cleanser and calls it “good stuff.” She implies that he must watch some kind of skincare channel on YouTube to even know what that is — assuming it’s his.

Next up is his shower. “He has all his shampoo and conditioner on the floor,” she shows the camera. Yeah, that’s a guy all right. “Second red flag. Purple shampoo, and he’s got the Olaplex.” As a man, I have no idea what any of that means, so he must have a girlfriend he’s cheating on.


In all seriousness, according to the comments, purple shampoo is used when someone has dyed, bleached, or blonde hair to prevent brassy or yellow tones. And considering she wouldn’t have labeled it as a red flag if he had his own hair dyed, it must not be his. Olaplex is also a hair care product that restores and strengthens hair, assumedly after dyeing it, except this was also on the floor, so who knows for sure.

Also, he has a dish sponge in his shower — maybe a woman really has never set foot in this shower. I sure hope he isn’t using a dish sponge as a replacement for a loofah because, if he is, he might want to watch more of those skincare videos on YouTube.

However, his relationship status was cemented when she opened the cabinet and found toner, a face roller, more Olaplex, and then a scrunchie on top of the cabinets. The man had a girlfriend.

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This isn’t the first time women have gone through a man’s bathroom to see if they’re taken.

Going through a man’s bathroom (or anyone’s for that matter) has become a common way to search for people’s red flags — namely, whether or not there was an uninformed partner in the mix.

For a while, there was a trend going around where women would go through the bathrooms of men they were dating to point things out, critique their hygiene, or just to check whether or not they had girlfriends.



One woman named Suhey Lee discovered a pink razor and a body scrub for women. As a classic man, he had a men’s razor and 2-in-1 hair care product, but she was concerned about the clear signs a second person used that shower.


Upon confronting him, he stammered in answering his questions. She tried to give him a way out by claiming that the stuff was his sister’s, but the suspicious way in which he responded made it all too clear he was cheating.



In another man’s bathroom, a woman found woman’s products as well as a pregnancy test in the drawers under his bathroom sink.

The dating world is ruthless, and in the age of online dating it can be especially hard to find the right person. However, there is a way to rule out the wrong people, and that’s to go through their bathrooms and check to see if they were already taken.


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Isaac Serna-Diez is an Assistant Editor for YourTango who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics.