Meet The Woman Who Spent $100K To Get Kim K’s Giant Booty
She wanted all of Kim's curves.

Kim Kardashian’s backside is pretty epic and all, but is it worth over $100K? For one plastic surgery addict, apparently, it was.
Formerly a Versace model, one woman has spent more than $100K Australian dollars to get a Kim Kardashian butt. Despite her desire to achieve Kim's famous behind, she now claims she regrets going under the knife.
Who is Jennifer Pamplona?
Twenty-eight-year-old Jennifer Pamplona, from Brazil, has had butt implants and fat injections to try and "out-butt" Kardashian. She had a breast augmentation at only 17 years old and then became obsessed with looking curvier.
In 2017, she was almost AU$250K deep in how much she had spent to get her look.
"I fell in love with surgery a long time ago, but after seeing Kim Kardashian I wanted to look like and have curves like her,” she said. "Now I'm determined to get a larger butt than her."
To get her look, Pamplona has had four ribs removed, rhinoplasty, liposuction, a fat transfer from her stomach to butt, and fillers in her cheeks, lips, and butt. Surgeons had even refused to do more surgery on her, saying that her thin frame couldn’t support any more implants.
"Everyone tells me I don't need to put any more in, but in my mind, I need to do it,” she admitted. "I used to be bullied quite a lot in high school because I was so skinny and not as curvy as other Brazilians."
As part of a body transformation TV show, Pamplona underwent nine surgeries in only 24 hours. The surgeries were offered to her after her boyfriend, Celso Santebañes (who was a Brazilian Human Ken Doll), died from Leukemia back in 2014.
"It was always his dream for me to look like a human doll,” she said at the time. "At first I was having surgery to satisfy Celso's dream, but now I do it for myself; when I look in the mirror and see this different Jennifer Pamplona it makes me happy."
She wanted more fillers in her butt, but surgeons told her that this wasn’t possible.
"They think I'm too exaggerated and that I don't need any more fat injected but I'm determined to make it happen,” she said. "They tell me my body type is too small to be like Kim Kardashian, but I'll keep fighting doctors to get it looking like hers. Now I get told that I have lips like Kylie Jenner and that I'm getting close to having a butt like Kim Kardashian.”
Because of her surgeries and her now dramatic look, Pamplona earned a spot on the "Plastics of Hollywood" TV show, which dives into the lives of human dolls and plastic surgery addicts.
While some people support her dramatic looks, other people think that she is brainless and wastes her money.
"When people see me, they don't think I have a brain because of how I look, but when they hear me talk they know I'm super-smart,” Pamplona revealed. "I help a cancer institute, I help my family out, I have huge projects and plans, people definitely change their opinions about me once they have met me. I don't think there's anything wrong with what I'm doing. I am a business woman and I have everything right. I was beautiful before but plastic surgery made me perfect."
She does seem to know what she’s talking about.
If you look at the massive amounts of fame and money that Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner bring in, it seems that plastic surgery might be a good investment after all.
In 2018, Pamplona had spent over half a million on her procedures and announced that she was "retiring" from plastic surgery.
Well, the retirement didn't last too long, because Pamplona was back at it again in 2019. She had removed her lip fillers after she claimed that she received a "botched surgery" and had sworn off fillers.
Pamplona couldn't stay away from the plastic surgeon's office for too long and returned to redo her lips again.
She said, "Even though I said I was done with surgery after being botched, I couldn't be without them. I was unable to recognise myself in the mirror — I looked like a completely different person without them.
I removed my fillers because they were botched and I wanted to teach others to accept themselves naturally — but I realized that my personality still shone through with or without them.
As a woman, I wanted to make the decision to feel this way and do what I wanted with my own body, so decided to go back to how I felt most comfortable."
The procedure set Pamplona back $5,000, but for her, it was completely worth it, as she explained, "Even though I said I wasn't going to have fillers again, I am glad that I did as I feel like my beautiful self again."
Now, just a few years later, Pamplona is saying she regrets getting plastic surgery.
Now that "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" is over, Pamplona believes she will now be able to step into the spotlight. However, she's warning other young women from going under the knife in an effort to copy the Kardashians' look.
“Kim still inspires me a lot and I’ve always loved how she looks and her style. But I think there is a big problem with the impact of the Kardashians; everyone wants to look like them, so now all young women look the same," she said.
"They have the same face, nose and lips but it will not make them happy — surgery is only one part of the solution, they need help from a psychologist, too."
Pamplona then admitted, "I regret having my first surgery; I wasn’t mature enough to understand the implications of going under the knife.”
She also wants to get the word out about the consequences of having plastic surgery, especially young women who want to resemble their idols:
“I advise them not to have surgery because it doesn’t fix all your problems and it can easily become an addiction. I was going for procedures like it was a normal thing, like going to the supermarket, but now I’m starting to feel the consequences of my actions. I warn girls away from surgery and procedures because the decisions are something that lasts a lifetime and they don’t fix how you feel.”
Her biggest regret of all, however, isn't her Kim K-inspired booty — it's her 'old lady' lips.
Pamplona has received more than 500 doses of Botox and over 40 procedures on her lips over the last 10 years. But getting this much work on her lips means she can't slack on their upkeep.
“Once you start having certain procedures, like lip fillers and Botox, you cannot stop; you will need to have them forever," she said.
"Fillers made my lips so big, they were like two sausages rather than two lips. Now have lost their elasticity, so now if I don’t have fillers, they look like 70-year-old lips — not even my Grandmother has as saggy and wrinkly lips as I do. It’s the same with Botox; I don’t think it’s working for my face anymore because I’ve had it around 500 times in the last decade.”
Despite having regrets about her lip fillers, Pamplona also admits that getting so much work done may lead to damaging consequences on the rest of her body.
“I’m lucky to be alive, I spent more than 20 days in bed and my body had to fight all of these toxins inside me. I’m still scared I won’t be able to walk in the future and it’s all because a doctor put permanent filler in my leg, which is stopping blood circulation,” she revealed.
With dozens of cosmetic procedures and surgeries, 10 of which are butt enhancements, Pamplona will hopefully show us the effects of her plastic surgery. The actress and model announced she has a documentary called "Addicted" coming out next year.
Shannon Ullman is a writer who focuses on travel and adventure, women's health, pop culture, and relationships. Her work has appeared in Huffington Post, MSN, and Matador Network.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted in May 2017 and was updated with the latest information.