The One Main Thing That Brings Success At Work — And It Has Nothing To Do With What You Do While You’re On The Clock
“Your success is going to come after that rejuvenating period of rest.”

If you’re struggling to maintain motivation at work or feel constantly anxious, exhausted, or stressed after your 9 to 5, you may need to take a step back and evaluate your situation.
Are you being overworked and burning out as a result? Or are you sabotaging your well-being by blurring the boundaries between your workplace and your personal life? Sometimes, it’s a mix of both — however, career coach Taylor Nardone on TikTok suggests one simple practice to ensure you’re successful and happy at work either way.
The career coach suggested one essential thing that can bring success to your work life — and it has nothing to do with what you’re doing while on the clock.
“Your success will come from your rest,” he stated in a recent video. “Now, hear me out, OK, because we just triggered the entire Internet here. This does not mean we do nothing.”
Nardone highlighted the importance of rest, adding that the best ideas, creativity, and happiness-forward decisions you make at work often come when you are well-rested.
Your best self, both at home and at work, doesn’t come from “the hustle” of constantly overworking yourself, prioritizing work, and “doing and doing and doing,” he continued. “They come after a period of rest and rejuvenation. That is where the best ideas are birthed.”
Investing in your personal life and prioritizing rest outside of your job will transform your success at work.
When you’re clear-headed, happy, and rested, it’s much easier to take a step back from the stress of a full-time job and consider the decisions that are best for you.
Whether it’s leaving your job, switching your career, or choosing a new project to focus on — you advocate for yourself best when you first take the time you need to rest.
Fizkes /
“It can be challenging sometimes,” one commenter admitted about “giving in” to restful periods, “but at some point, you get so tired that you're forced to do it anyway.”
With over 70% of employees admitting they've experienced burnout in the past year, it’s not surprising that many people struggle to let themselves rest — not when they’re forced to from burnout or mandated to by their employers, but on their own intentional accord.
When we make space for rest before it’s necessary, we set our future selves up for success.
Intentional rest promotes a better work-life balance and ensures you’re not burning out, building resentment, or sacrificing your health for work.
Intentionally setting aside time to rest and rejuvenate outside of work could be the key to unlocking your true potential when you return to the office — from a productivity and happiness standpoint.
Experts suggest removing temptations of work once you’re home to help promote that boundary, whether that means muting Teams, closing your email, or leaving your work laptop at the office.
Other mindfulness practices like meditation, physical exercise, or even community engagement can help ensure this rest. You should unwind in whatever way best suits your lifestyle and needs.
It’s exactly why many younger generations of workers are advocating for things like a four-day work week and clear boundaries in the workplace. To ensure great productivity, satisfaction, and happiness at work, you have to take care of yourself first — and that starts before you clock into work.
Don’t feel pressured to sacrifice your own well-being for that of an employer or company that wouldn’t do the same for you.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.